The decision to extend the licensing system of Ukrainian imports until mid 2025 year has been approved by the government of Moldova 30 December ub. – it was published in the official communiqué. The permit system will include import of wheat, corn and sunflower. The applicable regulation is in force until 30 June 2025 year.
“Further regulation of import of these products has a purpose to protect local farmers and maintain stability of the national agricultural market, in context of existing challenges in the agricultural-food sector.” – justify the authorities of the state. However, it is difficult not to notice, that the decision of the government was also affected by threats of blocks on the farmers.
The licensing mechanism for import of wheat, corn and sunflowers was introduced in October 2023 year as a result of violent farmer protests. Licenses prevented a surplus of products from Ukraine at significantly lower prices, which would lower the value of local products. The system guarantees native farmers and producers priority in purchases and processing enterprises. Only when there is a shortage of raw material market, can import it from abroad.
“According data from early December br. stocks of wheat, corn and sunflower are sufficient to cover
all domestic needs in the next months: wheat – 290 tys. ton, corn – 662 tys. tons, sunflower –
249.6 tys. ton.” – provides the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry .
Moldova retains licenses for import of cereals and seeds oleist from
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