
Mobile pharmacy posts Pharmacy 9-1-1: year from launch oftheproject

Мобильные аптечные пункты Аптека 9-1-1: год от запуска проекта

In the conditions of widespread war the Ukrainians are daily facing a huge number of calls, among which especially acute is the question of access to medical assistance and vital drugs. For hundreds of thousands of people in frontline territories access to essential medications is a trial.

That is why the launch of the first in Ukraine mobile pharmacy point (MAP) network Apteka 9-1-1 has become not only an innovative solution, but and an extremely important social initiative.

Social Mission

The long-awaited stimulus for the implementation of the project was the decree of the government of Ukraine from 4 August 2023 year, authorized the establishment of mobile pharmacy posts in rural locations. And already 18 January 2024 year in Kharkov region began the first MAP Apteka 9-1-1, the grand opening of which was held with participation of the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko. At that moment only 11% of settlements had their own pharmacies, and the people of more than 20 20 000 populated points were forced to travel tens of kilometers to purchase the necessary medicines. In the conditions of war this problem became even more acute because of the damage infrastructure and the closure of many pharmacy institutions.

“Mobile pharmacies are more than just pharmacies on wheels. It is our contribution to keeping the resilience of the Ukrainians in the conditions of war,” – notes Olga Orach, deputy head of corporate corporate issues and legal practice network Apteka 9-1-1.

From first MAP to branched network

The opening of the first mobile pharmacy point in Kharkiv region became the turning moment in providing availability of medications on front territories of the region. We have seen a large demand for MAP services, as people in many populated settlements do not have the opportunity to purchase medications, can’t get to the nearest pharmacies because of the lack of transportation infrastructure. These factors encouraged the to expand the project.

3 April 2024 the second mobile pharmacy point in Kharkivshchina, and from 12 August 2024 the project expanded also to Kherson oblast. In the present time three MAPs Apteka 9-1-1 operate in the most difficult conditions, providing drugs to 146 populated points, a peculiarly:

    • In Kharkiv region two MAPs serve 92 populated points in seven communities: Barvenkivska, Balakleivska, Borovska, Shevchenkivska, Velikoburlukska, Krasnogradska and Starosaltovska.
    • In Kherson region mobile point supplies medicines to 54 populated points Velikoalexandrovskaya, Vysokopolskaya, Novovovorontsovskaya, Kalinovskaya, Borozenskaya, Kochubeyskaya and Milovskaya communities.

    The project is implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health Ukraine, Gosleksluzhba and military administrations of Kharkiv and Kherson oblasts. Routes weekly are coordinated with consideration of the security situation, which provides stable work and protection of personnel in conditions of active combat actions.

    More, than just a pharmacy

    Every mobile pharmacy point is a complete pharmacy, created with all the requirements for pharmaceutical supply. Vehicles equipped:

    • Специальной аптечной мебелью для удобного расположения медикаментов
    • Системой кондиционирования для поддержания температуры не выше 25°C
    • Холодильное оборудование для хранения термолабильных лекарств
    • Генераторы и оборудование Starlink для бесперебойной работы
    • Кассовыми аппаратами и всем необходимым для обслуживания электронных рецептов, including the Affordable Prescription program.

    The particular importance is the opportunity to receive medication through the Reimbursement Affordable Medication Program. For a year of work three MAPs summarized more than 3100 prescriptions: more 2500 in Kharkiv region and more 600 in Kherson region. This means that thousands of patients with chronic diseases have gained access to life needed drugs.
    Opportunity to obtain drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory pathways, sugar and nonsugar diabetes, disorders of psychiatry and behavior, and also drugs for palliative palliative patients through the Affordable Medications program has become a salvation for many, especially the elderly people in settlements of the frontline Kharkivshchina and Kherson. Also, all MAPs have the opportunity to disburse with the “Support” card,which makes drugs more available to the population.

    Every day the teams of mobile pharmacies demonstrate unbelievable courage and dedication to their work. They overcome damaged roads, pass destroyed bridges, work in populated settlements that could come under fire. Pharmacists and drivers wearing armor vests and protective helmets ensure the continuous operation of pharmacies even in the most difficult conditions.

    “Finding specialists willing to work in these conditions is a tough task. The MAP teams are experienced specialists, who do not just do their jobs, but are daily real missions to support the health of people in difficult conditions. Their dedication to their dedication to their work causes sincere excitement,

    Olga Orach.

    Results of the year and plans for the future

    For the year of the mobile pharmacy posts have used more than 21 000 patients. Beyond these numbers are thousands of stories of people gaining access to essential medications after months of occupation. The reactions of older people who no longer need to travel much distance for vital medicines are particularly triggering.

    Recognizing the importance of this social initiative, Pharmacy 9-1-1 continues to expand the geography of the project. The next plans to launch a new mobile pharmacy point in Suma region. This will allow to provide access to drugs to people in the areas where they are.Due to closeness of military action traditional pharmacy infrastructure is absent.

    “Summarizing the year of MAP’s work, we see that the project is a bright example of that, how Ukrainian businesses can be a realpowerofsupportandresilienceinthemostdifficultconditions”commentinApteka9-1-1.

    TheMobilePharmacyPointsProjecthasbecomeanexampleofhowsociallyresponsiblebusinessescanrespondeffectivelytothecallsofwartime.This is, first and foremost, aboutcare, supportandhopeforthousandsofUkrainiansin theepicenterofwarevents.

    The experience ofMAPlaysthefoundationforthecreationofmoreresilientandadaptivesystemsofpharmaceuticalassistanceinconflictzones.This is aninnovativesolution,not onlyhelpingtoovercomethecurrentdifficulties,butalsoformingnewstandardsofsocialresponsibilityofbusinessinwarconditions.

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