The project law on amending laws – Energy Law and some other laws, MKiŚ plans to introduce unguaranteed flexible connection agreements in areas, in which there are restrictions on the possibility of connecting new entities to the grid.
According to the project, suppliers of electric power are to be obligated by law to offer sales contracts for time defined with fixed price, which is meant to protect us, customers from short-term variations in price markets.
Operators of transmission and distribution systems will be obligated by law to publish and update information about connection capacity available for new connections and about its calculation criteria. Users are to be informed about the status and how they are processing their applications for connection.
The transmission and distribution operators are also obligated by right to cooperate in publishing information on connection capacities available for new connections.
The draft law also places changes in the tariffing system of electricity, a incentive for operators to use services flexibility, such as receiving and storing energy through storage
energy and encouraging operators to integrate energy from renewable sources at as lowest system costs.
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What major changes will the new energy law introduce?
In the proposed law amending the Energy Law, the Ministry of the Environment proposes the following measures for implementation:
- Solutions that increase flexibility of the grid (flexible contracts for connection).
- Solutions committing suppliers of electric energy to offer customers contracts for sale of energy for time defined with fixed price,
- Changes in determining tariffs for services of distribution and transmission of energy.Electricity,
- Solutions optimizing use of existing network infrastructure,
- The information obligation and cooperation of operators of transmission system and distribution in the process of connecting to the network,
- Facilitate and increase transparency and transparency of the connection process to the electric grid including the transmission and distribution system,
- Solutions simplifying the
connection process and increasing the number of facilities possible to connect,
- Updating and optimizing the process of planning
development of the electric network and implementing conditions for connection,
- Solutions enabling creation of special areas for
development of grid infrastructure and storage energy.
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The law is also asked to adjust national law to directives EU
Key issues regulated in Directive 2024/1711, which require adapting national law:
- Extending the rights of applicants for connection to the power grid in areas, in which there are restrictions on the capability of connecting new entities, by introducing solutions on unguaranteed flexible contracts for connection.
- Increase protection of customers of electric energy in the range of billing from short-term changes in energy markets by introducing an obligation to offer by suppliers of electric energy contracts for time specified with fixed price.
- Imposition on operators of distribution systems of information
in publishing and updating information about connection capacity available for new connections and about the criteria used for its calculation, transmitting
information to users on the status and the method of processing their applications for connection, enabling the submission of applications
for connection in a fully electronic method with the principle of nondiscrimination of userssystem.
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Prohibition of hunting at a distance of 500 meters from developments students before in farmers
Key issues regulated in Regulation 2024/1747, which require adaptation of national law:
- Changes in the tariffing system of electric energy incentivizing operators of transmission and distribution electric systems to use services in flexibility, in particular responsive receiving or storing energy and encouraging those operators to integrate energy from renewable sources at the lowest cost to the electricity system.
- Impose on the operator of the transmission system in the publication of information about connection capacity available for new connections, including about the criteria usedforitscalculation,transmittinginformationonthestatusandmethodofprocessingapplicationsforinthetimeframeofthreemonthsaftersubmissionofapplication,ainthecaseofnotreviewingthe application,updatinginformationaboutthestatusoftheapplicationonaquarter.
- Impositionofobligationsforcooperationbetweenoperatorsofdistributionsystemsandoperatoroftransmissionsystemforpublicationofinformationonpowerconnectionavailableforneednewconnectionsforinvestmentprojects.