
Ministry agriculture rectifies information about definition of activefarmer

Resort rolnictwa prostuje informacje o definicji aktywnego rolnika

As the resort of agriculture claims, in the public space has appeared incorrect information about the proposed change of the definition of a professionally active farmer.

– We clarify, that the proposed change of this definition is the result of numerous postulates and requests farmers individually, and b and farmer organizations. The solutions presented are a project for discussion – not a proposal, for which the minister of agriculture and development of the countryside, a final shape of the definition of a professionally active farmer will be developed after completion of consultations with social partners – we read in the communiqué.

Changing definition – who will be affected

According to proposals presented for discussion verification of professional activity would affect all farmers applying for direct payments or payments ONW, independently on the size of farm.

What we are aiming for

We are striving to develop solutions, which:

  • in sufficient degree target support to people actually performing agricultural activities and at the same time be as least burdensome for farmers,
  • do not exclude from supporting small farms, which also contribute to the vitality of rural areas, and farmers simultaneously conducting agricultural activities and non-agricultural activities or conducting agricultural activities in complete dimensions.

New definition

– Changing the definition of active farmer would not restrict support only to farmers conducting production -. it would be inconsistent with the EU’s obligations under the World Trade Organization (WTO). According to these obligations the definition of

agricultural activities includes the production of agricultural products and the maintenance of agricultural land, a agriculturist has a choice between these types of activities

– determines the resort of agriculture in the community.

The new definition of active farmer is contradictory to EU

law? Janusz Wojciechowski explains in which aspects

Read more

New definition of active farmer is contradictory to EU law? Janusz Wojciechowski explains in which aspects

Further he adds, that pthe project changes the definition depends on recognizing a farmer as professionally active on the fact of activity agriculture. No will be affected by the size of production, the volume of sale of agricultural produce or the inputs made.

– We plan, to recognize as professionally active farmers automatically those who m.among others. register their animals in the Identification and Registration system (IRZ), receive payments related to production to plants, payments in selected ecoschemes or environmental payments. For this purpose it will use data from records kept by ARiMR – reminds MRiRW.

Furthermore – as mentioned in comment – changing the definition will not eliminate farmers, who do not have invoices confirming the sale of agricultural crops.

-. Presentation of such invoices is only one of several proposed ways of documenting the conduct of agricultural activities (used is partly also in the current definition) – added.

The Resort indicates, that there is a wide catalog of evidence, in full

compliance with EU regulations, through which farmers will be able to prove the pursuit of agricultural activities,

m.Among other things, document the payment of costs for agricultural activities or figure in relevant registers.Thedirectoryalsoincludessolutionsavailabletofarmers,whointheyeardo notreaptherevenuefromthesaleofagricultural crops.



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