One of the Tasks of the State Minister Activities is management of the State Treasury, in this representing this shareholder in shareholding companies. In the market of vehicles we have there to total 49.90 proc. package of shares in Group Azota SA and identical, total 49.90 proc. package of shares PKN Orlen SA, meaning a company having 100 proc. shares of another producer of fertilizers – Anwil SA.
Minister watches the topic object not from today
As stresses the department of Communications Ministry of State Activities, Minister Jakub Javorovsky has been keeping an eye on the title for ferries from Russia and Belarus for a longer time. On 2 July of last year Minister of State Activities participated in
a meeting with Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz and Vice Chancellor, Minister of Economy Robert Habeck.
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about clach na nawozy from Russia and Belarus. How will the market react will prices go up?
Already at then had raised the issue of increasing imports of vehicles from Russia and Belarus in the European Union. What is important, also Robert Habeck emphasized at the meeting the necessity of strengthening the internal market of the countries of European Union. Ministry representatives stress, that this activity of Jakub Jaworowski in restricting uncontrolled imports will not end.
– I have meeted multiple times with representatives of the European Parliament and of other countries of the European Union, stressing the necessity of taking decisive action in the Community. This is why I am glad of the Decision of the European Commission and I believe that it will be quick to implement these duties,
which will contribute to protect the industry of fertilizer producers, which has for months struggled with stroke increasing imports of vehicles
from Russia and Belarus, and will also support its profitability – says Minister Jaworowski.
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Improving competitiveness of companies of the State Treasury
As, that the role of the Minister of State Activities is to look after the interests of companies of the State Treasury, representatives of the Ministry stress, that the introduction of targets on ferries from Russia and Belarus will positively affect the competitiveness of these entities on the market of ferries. As the department of communications MAP points out, the growing influx of ferries from Russia and Belarus contributes to a significant decrease in competitiveness of Polish ferry companies and leads to the necessity of limiting production by domestic production plants, a consequence influences
decreasing security of food, by increasing dependence of Poland on imports.
– Our actions
have had a positive effect, it is another import import import import of Russian nations
to Poland. Introduction of targets on ferries from Russia in the 16. Sanctions Package will increase food security of the EU and support Polish companies from the chemical industry – emphasizes Minister Jakub Jaworowski.
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Customs will they block import vehicles from the East?
Not necessarily
Additionally, as representatives of the Ministry of State Activities, export of nitrogen fertilizers, whose production is based on use ofgasground,allowingRussiato circumventexistingsanctionsonthesupplyofgas,usingthecreatedsurplusesandindirectwaytoPoland,andalsoothercountriesoftheEU.