Receipts, left by customers in shops, may serve as a tool in the hands of fraudulent employees. In one of Gdansk shops the cashier returned non-existent goods and this
way stole a large sum of money.
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Stores open on Sunday. 1 February
comes new law
Leave a receipt at the store? Thief only waits for that waits
In Gdansk outlet 26-year-old worker did fictional returns, based on abandoned paragraphs. goods, which were allegedly returned, never existed, and the money for those transactions treated into his pocket.
As read on portal fakt.pl, the case came out to jaw, when owners of the shop noticed regular lack of cash in the counter. Suspicions fall on the workers, and analysis monitoring quickly indicated the guilty.
The cashier was detained on the hot action – it turned out that
he had conducted as many 60 such transactions. For Falls well-known company producing shoes. Application in court and liquidation of the factory Such cases of fraud are reported in all of Poland. An example is a trainee in a pizzeria, who stole 7.6 tys. zl in two weeks, or a 19-year-old from Garwolin, who thanks to a similar method scammed as much as 90 thousand zl. Such situations show the scale of threat, which brought themselves left at the checkout receipts. “Unnecessary” receipts are an opportunity for fraudsters. The easiest way to prevent such situations.Preventing such cases is taking the paragon after purchases. This protects not only customers, but also shops from financial losses . It is also important to conduct regular inspections at sales points and train employees in fair conduct. .Read more
Fraud “on the paragon” – scale of problem
How to prevent such situations?