
Millions of drivers must change the right to drive. Who, whenandforhow much?

Miliony kierowców muszą wymienić prawo jazdy. Kto, kiedy i za ile?

It is estimated that about 15 million drivers have the current right of driving issued until 18 January 2013 year. The document that needs to replace. Check the deadline, costs and procedure.

Who needs to replace the right drives?

On the government we have simple and clear instructions.

The right to drive must exchange each person:

  • who has changed name or name;
  • whose right to drive has lost validity – date can be checked in rubric number 4b of the document held;
  • whose category right of driving has lost validity – date can be checked in rubric

    number 11 of possessed document;

  • whose document has destroyed or lost.

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When law drives lose validity?

Until 2013 year the right to drive was granted for an indefinite period of time, which was indicated in the document in that way, that in rubrics 4b and 11 (next to category) – there were long dashes, a meaning that, that both the document, and the rights do not have a date, after which they are due.

However, the termination of the right to drive (box 4b) is not equivalent to the validity of the right to drive vehicles (box 11 under a category).

In the regulations enacted on January 18 2013 there have been significant changes. From that moment the laws of vehicles were introduced with a specific date of validity. For categories B, B1, B+E and A, A1, A2, AM and T is to 15 years, a for categories C, C1, C1+E, C+E, D, D1, D1+E, D1+E only 5 years.

This amendment binds also drivers having current right of driving issued for an indefinite time, that is before 18 January 2013 year, until the replacement of the document to a new one. Must be done this in a period of 5 years, in the date from 19 January 2028 year. to 18 January 2033 year. You can do this obviously also earlier,if the driver wants or any of the required above necessities.

It is estimated that the replacement of untimely rights to drive affects nearly 15 million drivers.

When should replacement of untimely rights to drive?

New right drives – both issued after time first, like and replaced unlimited –  will be valid for 15 or 5 years, as stated above.

Drivers replacing the document issued for an indefinite time do not have to submit new examinations or undergo medical tests , by whether they have expired their right to drive a category of vehicle (box 11).

Persons having right to drive categories C1, C1+E, C, C+E, D1, D1+E, D or D+E will have to provide additional medical and psychological certifications, which are necessary, to extend the validity of their documents.

How much does it cost to replace an expired right to drive?

To replace the right of vehicles, you must take with you to the office:

  • application for issuance of right of vehicle,
  • an up-to-date, color photograph

    (35×45 mm),

  • copy of actual right of vehicle,
  • proof of fee for issuance of new right of vehicle – administrative fee 100 zl

    + fee evidence fee 0,50 zl,

  • the proof personal – may be required for eventual verification,
  • in specific cases of examination.


easily calculated, the cost of issuing a new document is £100.50 . May eventually include additionally the cost of photographs, if you don’t have the appropriate and updated in home.

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What threatens for driving a vehicle with an invalid right to drive?

The validity date of the document must be watched, because if the document is not replaced in the appropriate date, it loses validity, a driver for driving with invalid document is punished by mandate

same, as for driving without right of driving – in the amount from 1500 £ to 30000 PLN. From 1 January 2022

year for driving without right to drive the police may refer the case to court.

In situations, when the driver does

not have the right to drive or has an invalid document, he

is immediately barred further driving, a this means, that he must transfer the driving of the car to a person with

appropriate authorizations or leave the auto in a safe place. In case there is no such place the car

must betowedatthecostofthe driver.



It isthereforeworthcheckingboththedateofvalidity,asandtheallowances.


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