
Михал назвал причину отказа от снижения НСО на продукты питания

Михал назвал причину отказа от снижения НСО на продукты питания

Estonian Prime Minister Estonia, leader of the Reform Party Kristen Mihal explained why the government coalition doesn’t support the idea of reducing the tax on turnover of foods,

writes Rus.ERR. Grocery store. Grocery store. Photo: Rimi

Prime Minister Estonia, Leader of the Reform Party Kristen Mihal explained, why the government coalition is not supporting the idea of reducing the tax on

turnover of food foods, wrote Rus.ERR.

“Experience in different countries shows that reducing the rate of tax on turnover is only partially reflected in prices, and a part of the economy remains in the form of profits to traders and manufacturers.” – Mihal reported in a response to a request from opposition deputy of Riigikogu Alexander Chaplygin (Centrist party).

“For example, in Latvia in 2018 the NSO on fresh fruits and vegetables was reduced from 21% to 5%, but the drop in prices for consumers was minimal. “About 2/3 decrease NWS>NWS consumers did not feel themselves”, – the Prime Minister added.

According to his words, according to statistics of the European Union, in 2023 the prices for food were higher than in Estonia, in Luxembourg, Irelandand Finland,despite the fact that thesecountrieshavelowerNWS ratesonproducts.

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