
Mieczyslaw Babalski tells, how the production of organic food inPoland looks like.

Mieczysław Babalski opowiada, jak wygląda produkcja ekologicznej żywności w Polsce

Food Portal: How did the beginnings of man ‘s company, what prompted you to found an organic farm and sell your own products?

Mieczyslaw Babalski: I started with PGR, where I worked. I there, still in the 70s., I noticed, that in fact the more we use chemistry, the more we need. The soil is dependent on those measures, that we have and more diseases, and more pests. This balance is becoming unbalanced. In the field [in PGRs] it was not for that, to see whether it is growing well, just to check: do already spray, do not spray yet? In the 80s, I already had not worked in PGR and had already time to take on my own farm. Additionally also had worked as advisor in a counseling center. Practically all the time I was interested in this way of production, which was not dependent on different conglomerates, on chemicals. Simply it was agriculture, which sometimes functioned. No and so by small steps, by small steps I went in that direction. I went to Switzerland for courses of biodynamics school of Rudolf Steiner. The time spent there convinced me, that this however is the good way.

Also thanks to meeting with Julian Osetek, who had already from the fifties talked about agriculture ecology, this hugely helped the branch. Then Professor Mieczysław Górny from SGGW also taught about agriculture biodynamic. At the beginning it was very difficult. We founded the Ekoland Association. We wanted to have customers, we meet in Warsaw at Grójecka 75. Once in a week, there vegetarians came and collected products. After two years of driving there was the first organic store, which on Street. Grójecka 75 began functioning as Ekooko.

From onward started from cultivating beans?

Mieczyslaw Babalski: My first dream was to make cheese, because I had made cheese in Switzerland and they were perfect there, but there were not wanting that to come out. One day I call a familiar Swiss and I say: what is playing? A on me he asks: how high above the sea level do you live? I say: 100 m. A on: no that on 1 thousand you must enter and cows there take and only then will be good ser. Then I stated, that there is a lots of grain, I will try to do something with it. No and that is how it started. Another time I went to theSwitzerland. No and so we started to do this. First this macaroni was sold to neighbors, to colleagues. Then we started this slowly selling further.

Do you think that in Poland it was harder for you to start to make the environment?

Mieczyslaw Babalski: As I have been in Switzerland on a biodynamic farming course and worked on those farms, that I noticed, that they are much harder to run an ecological farm than in our country. Because in our country there was no such industrialization yet. The second issue – we didn’t have so many diseases and pests, because our climate was more sharp. Now this is starting this problem, that this winter, which such as has ordered in nature, it already practically does that. I this is the threat from different diseases and pests will increase. There are in the neighborhood a few farmers, who have already almost for fourty years not using fertilizers [artificial] and chemicals. And will you what? The grows much more and doesn’t have diseases and pests. I repeat, that diseases and pests are the guardians of nature. Their task is to eliminate that, which is not normal. If you have a problem

with diseases and pests, then you make some errors. Man, to get sick, has to work long on this, that this

disease finally begins to develop. Such as weeds, they are herbs, which heal the soil. If you have a problem withweeds,thereissomethingnotlikethefertility…..

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Whatdoeswehaveanideafordevelopmentoforganic farming.

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