Information Technology sector giant Microsoft announced the performance for the last quarter . It showed that they had improved their performance and exceeded expectations, but after the trading session the stock was up because the forecast for the quarter revenue was disappointing : Microsoft 418.09 (-5.48%).
In the last quarter the information technology giant reported revenues of $69.632 billion . Dollars (expected 68.78 Billion ). or above twelve percent more than in the year over the same period , which is the slowest growth since the mid 2023 .
Microsoft performance in the minimum period increased 17.1 percent to 31.653 billion dollars ,
>while the three years in the first period grew 10.2 percent to 24.108 billion. Analysts expected that the money for the action would reach an average of 3.11 dollars.
Generally after the first half of this financial year the company’s revenue reached $135.217 billion. Dollars, which in the year during the same period amounted to $118,537 billion. The profit of the firm grows from 53,927 to $62,205 billion. dollars, o cash from 44,161 to 48,775 billion dollars.
Technology Major Management forecasts that this quarter revenues will reach 67.7 to 68.7 billion dollars, when analysts forecast an average of 69.78 billion. dollars.
During thelastmonthMicrosoftsharepricerosebyonlyeightpercent.Bycomparison, theDowJonesIndustrialAverageIndexincreasedby16.6percent.