Prime Minister Kristen Michal explained at the Riigikogu informational hour on Wednesday, that Elektrilevi does use Belarusian made cables, but they were purchased before the sanctions were in force and their use will soon continue. Illustrative Photo. Photo:
Elmo Riig
Prime Minister Kristen Mihal explained at the Riigikogu’s info hour on Wednesday, that Elektrilevi does use Belarusian made cables, but they were purchased before the accession to Belarus;before the sanctions were in force and their use
will soon be discontinued.
The question is asked by Deputy of Homeland Aivar Kokk, who noted that the largest and state-owned business of the distribution network Elektrilevi is still taking from suppliers and stacking cables of Belarusian origin, which the EU in last year was included in the list of sanctioned goods. “State enterprise recognizes the unethicality of similar actions, but explains the continued use of products by, that it is actually not violating the law and there is simply nowhere to get another cable.” – noted Cocke, emphasizing that Belarus = the chief partner of the aggressor country Russia in its full-scale war against Ukraine.
Michal explained that the framework agreement on the purchase of the cable was concluded in 2022 in the Enefit-Connect period, that W.EG. Eesti, Elektrilevi’s partner Elektrilevi, purchased cable before the enactment of sanctions into effect and that the used surplus cable from the warehouse. “According to their words, it is unthinkable to pause large construction projects and to schedule these projects.accident response. Elektrilevi informed this firm of the urgent need to search for substitute products, the next week will provide proposals for alternative options and find out,Whetherit will be necessarytoconductanewtenderoralternativeproductswillbefoundinareducedorder,”Mikhal said.
Hepromised thatElektrileviwould stopusingBelarusiancableno later thanFebruary.
Hepromised thatElektrileviwould stopusingBelarusiancableno later thanFebruary.