
Mega: Russians are not ready to get their children ready for school only on marketplaces

«Мега»: россияне не готовы собирать детей в школу только на маркетплейсах

Online shopping alone is not enough to fully prepare children for school for more than 80% of Russian mothers. Preparing for the new school year, 76% of Russians combine offline purchases (in regular stores and shopping centers) and online purchases (in online stores and marketplaces) or choose everything only offline (5%) – a Mega study showed. held in anticipation of the start of the school year.

New Africa/Shutterstock/Fotodom

New Africa/Shutterstock/Fotodom

According to the results of the study, the most important things for Russians to look at “live” are clothes and shoes (56%), office supplies and goods for creativity (51%), as well as furniture and everything for arranging a child’s workplace (32%). The top 5 is completed by textbooks and workbooks (29%) and backpacks, bags and backpacks (26%).

84% of Russians go shopping for school with their child or even take the whole family shopping. For half of them, a visit to a shopping center is not just shopping, but also family leisure (going to the cinema, restaurant, entertainment center, etc. – 28%) or a way to solve weekly worries (going for groceries, household goods, etc. etc. – 22%).

Only 1% of Russians let their children do their own shopping for school. However, for most, the child’s opinion plays a decisive role when purchasing. 81% of those people who go shopping before the start of the school year with their children consult with them in choosing goods (59%) or completely give them the right to choose (22%). At the same time, children of 86% of respondents begin to participate in the selection of goods in the first grade – already at the age of 6–8 years. Finding a compromise with your child when it comes to choosing goods for school turned out to be difficult for only 7% of Russians.

Despite the fact that the costs of preparing a child for school are constantly growing (for example, according to VTsIOM data, in 2023 the average cost of goods for school increased in price by 30% compared to 2022), for 56% of Russians purchases for school include in their usual monthly expenses, they do not save or borrow money for them on purpose.

For more than a third (35%) of Russians, expenses for school supplies remain significant – they save money for these purposes for several months or take it from their savings. Another 9% save all year, borrow money or even take out a loan.

Russians take the start of the school year responsibly. 29% of mothers in Russia get their children ready for school in advance (11% in May-June, 18% in July). At the same time, they pack quickly: more than half (66%) spend only 1–2 weeks getting ready, and another 26% buy everything for school in 1 month.

As for the moral component, more than half of mothers do not experience stress when preparing for the school year – this was the answer of 55% of respondents. Preliminary preparation helps them get ready for school quickly and without nerves – 38% buy everything according to a pre-compiled list, another 30% first study the assortment of stores, and then buy what they need.

Most of those who experience stress while getting their children ready for school noted that they are nervous, first of all, due to lack of time. Approximately every fifth mother in Russia (17%) gets very tired in the process of preparing for school; it is not always possible to combine it with everyday activities.

Yandex Market named the most popular products for school

Detsky Mir: almost 30% of Russians buy school supplies in June and July

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