
Measures to protect plants are getting cheaper. Innvigo in its offer has 75 products. What will have inthefuture?

Środki ochrony roślin tanieją. Innvigo w ofercie ma 75 produktów. Na co postawi w przyszłości?
  • 27 stycznia minęło 10 lat od rozpoczęcia działalności Innvigo. 30 stycznia w Warszawie z tej okazji firma zorganizowała spotkanie prasowe. 
  • Dziś Innvigo działa nie tylko na arenie krajowym, ale także dostarcza środki plantatorom już z 25 państw.
  • Preparaty od Innvigo są stosowane w Polsce na największej powierzchni pól (ha). 
  • Według wiceprezesa Jacka Zawadzkiego środki ochrony roślin od dwóch lat tanieją. Dotyczy to wybranych substancji czynnych. 

Już 10 lat jak na rynku istnieje firma Innvigo. Jest to przedsiębiorstwo z polskim kapitałem. Od początku istnienia bazuje na postpatentowych produktach, czyli jest to typowa firma generyczna. Hołduje żelaznej chemii, czyli skupia się na dostarczaniu do rolników środków ochrony roślin zawierających najbardziej popularne substancje czynne używane w ochronie. Na początku działalności było w ofercie zaledwie kilka preparatów, dziś portfolio jest bardzo okazałe, bo bazuje na 75 produktach. W ofercie rolnicy znajdą zarówno preparaty jednoskładnikowe jak i coraz częściej dwu- czy trójskładnikowe.

Kierunek Innowacja 2025. Zboża i rzepak porażone są chorobami. Jak na wiosnę zbudować skuteczny program ich ochrony?

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Kierunek Innowacja 2025. Zboża i rzepak porażone są chorobami. Jak na wiosnę zbudować skuteczny program ich ochrony?

Sukces firmy tkwi głównie w tym, że zaproponowała ona rynkowi konkurencyjne ceny środków, bardzo atrakcyjne dla rolników.  Innvigo zajmuje się także opracowywaniem i rekomendowaniem rolnikom kompletnych technologii do ochrony głównych upraw polowych, a coraz częściej także warzywnych czy sadowniczych. 

– Dostosowujemy również naszą ofertę do wymagań współczesnych rolnictwa, dbamy o politykę cenową, która będzie przyjazna kupującym, dbamy o jakość naszych produktów, wprowadzamy nowe – mówił podczas konferencji prasowej Adam Ciaś Prezes Zarządu INNVIGO. 

Adam Cias, President Management Innvigo. Phot. PTWP Adam

Cias, President Management Innvigo. Phot. PTWP
10 years in agriculture

The Conference was an opportunity not only to do that, to summarize a decade of activity, but also to set new objectives. As explained at the meeting Krzysztof Golec, Vice President of Innvigo, it is not enough to have only a whole fan of products. Important are also people. This is why from the beginning of the company’s operations, the most experienced people in the industry. For implementation of the company’s strategy, it was also important to professional advice.  This primarily advice distinguishes Innvigo from other companies specializing in generic products. As explained at the meeting in 2015 year in Innvigo there were 18 employed, and now there are over 60, in this 30 professional advisors in the field. In addition to this enterprise is conducting expanded research and development activities, as also complete tests on experimental platforms. 

– Every year is an exceptional year, every season is an unique and we know, that not only nature, but also a number of other factors influence the efficiency of production and also the technologies and methods

of protection, which farmers apply on the level of their farms

– said Krzysztof Golec, Vice President Innvigo.

Krzysztof Golec, Vice President Innvigo Fot. PTWP Krzysztof Golec, Vice President

Innvigo Fot. PTWP Lustration of crop after winter. What

should you pay  attention to?

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Lustration of thistle-after winter. On what will you call attention to?

Decade of Innvigo

Innvigo in a short time has established in the domestic market in the leading producers of plant protection products. Since 2015 year the value of sales has increased and in 2024 year has totaled about. 550 million zlotys. In 2024 year the value of foreign sales was over 150 million zlotys and stood about.30% of the company’s profit.

– If it comes to the country, 70% of our sales as Innvigo we have right here, 30% abroad. In the next years we want to change this proportion, to maintain domestic sales, also develop, a simultaneously through new registrations, through the development of already registered products grow abroad and that is the goal for the next years – said Adam Cias.

If it comes to the plans for the coming years, Innvigo is positioning flexible adjustment of offers to changing the needs of agricultural producers. New registrations and introducing other measures will be accompanied by intensive support of sales and enhancing relations with customers, among others.among others, through multimedia platforms, podcasts, base knowledge or technology AI.

Expansion Innvigo outside the borders of the country

As has been mentioned multiple times, dynamic development Innvigo is also progressing outside the borders of Poland. Currently the company  sells its products in 25 countries. Additionally has fought registration  in the next five and in the next years wants to register the company’s products in the next many countries. 

– the most important region for us is Central Europe, in that includes Romania and Czech Republic where Innvigo has its own organization and structure It is a significant sale of our products – said Jacek Zawadzki, Vice President of Innvigo.

As he added:

– The next years of development Innvigo are increasing status registrations

in countries Western Europe. We have at this time some projects for registration

of our products in Southern Europe. I think that these registrations will happen in this year and may in the next year, a next two, three years this is the big growth of the company in Western Europe and in Southern Europe.  

Jacek Zawadzki, Vice President Innvigo. Fot. PTWP Jacek Zawadzki, Vice President Innvigo. Fot. PTWP

During his appearance he also paid attention to the turnover of the company both on the domestic market and foreign. In his opinion the means of protecting plants in comparison to other productive means has not incurred spectacular increases and on the contrary, some active substances have decreased. 

– Protectants for plants are cheapening, which is a surprising as you hear for example.TV or

other media, that the new preparations for protection of plants have become more expensive. No please you, the preparations for two

years are decreasing – said vice president Zawadzki. 

New preparations and spring recommendations

10th anniversary is an ideal

time for holidays and recommendations. However there is much to do already in the upcoming great season. There are no surprises in agriculture, a each year brings many surprises. 

Make a plan for spring protection of beans. See, how wisely optimize costs

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Make plan of spring protection of crops. See, how to wisely optimize costs

For season 2025 the company Innigo has prepared some new preparations. 

– Of course we don’t sleep, every year we have new registrations. No and in this year we have herbicides for beans, primarily for fighting one-leaf weeds in beans. This is Pacific 30 OD – Marcin Bystronski, Manager for marketing – Innvigo. 

Pacifier 30 OD (mesosulfuron methyl), a compound of the group of

sulfonylurea derivatives, which will be specifically for fighting single-leaved weeds (broom beans and also bunchworm

field). The product has incorporated sepharose (mefenpyr diethyl). It was registered in December 2024. 

Innvigo this herbicide recommends use in duet. 

– We know, that it is important for farmers to fight complex, that means that weeds are also dispersed. We will also have in offer the Pacific Duo set, which will have Pacific combined with Fundamentum 70 WG – added Bystronski. 

Marcin Bystronski - Manager ds. marketing, Innvigo Fot. PTWP Marcin Bystronski – Manager ds. marketing, Innvigo Fot. PTWP

However the pallet of fungicides has expanded by preparation Etude 250 EC (pyraclostrobin). It is the second strobilurin from Innvigo – recommended for fighting causes of rust, disease stalk or spottingleaves.

– The second innovation, which we also introduced this year in beans, is this fungicide Etiuda. It is this pure fungicide  and we will recommend it also in the

set together with protiaconazole, which will have the set Etude Pro – said Marcin


Corn still on the wave

On the subject of corn spoke about Tomasz Przybylski – Manager for agricultural rights. He has noted on the fact, that in the last years in the protection of currency has disappeared some key substances. According to him the direction of will proceed in the case of this valid case. 

 I think that farmers will struggle with the problem of selecting the right solution for their positions – Tomasz Przybylski.

Tomasz Przybylski - Manager for agricultural rights Fot. PTWP Tomasz Przybylski – Manager ds. upervisions agricultural Fot. PTWP

Innvigo has developed detailed programs to protect crops, which include various technologies herbicide, selected for problems with weeds and weather conditions. Depending on field conditions, including humidity the company has to offer complete programs pre-emergent, emergent and also sequential.

They are based on three flagship preparations. These are: Metodus 650 WG, the complete herbicide for doglebased technology, Tudor 114 OD for early-evening treatments and Mesonir 340 WG for application after emergence plants.

– Thanks to the growers will be able

to compose themselves,

move to size the herbicide solution in dependence on what problems in a given field occur-. commented

by Tomasz Przybylski

Repack without changes

At the meeting the portfolio of measures to apply in the branch was also presented. 

– Good information is that that in the market for three substances have not fallen in the last year. (…) On the other hand if it can be described as bad, then new products also do not come – said Filipowski. 

 As mentioned Filipowski,  transformed technologies are developed so, that in Innvigo’s offer are preparations for fighting the main diseases, pests or weeds. 



Innvigois also developingaportfoliotargetedtocropsspecialists. InthisseasonnewinofferClapton33WG.Itisatwo-componentfungicideforprotectionofmanyvegetableandfruit crops.Containsinitscompositionboscalid (a compoundoftheanilide group)andalsopyraclostrobin(a compoundofthestrobilurin group) group.The labeloftheproductpermitsitsusein croppotato,clove,cabbageheaded,march,tomato(ingrowingandunderplowers),strawberry,cherry,raspberryandblackcurrant. 




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