
Maxim Belov, Novus: In 2025 year we plan to open more than 50 new stores

Максим Белов, Novus: В 2025 году планируем открыть более 50-ти новых магазинов

Director of Marketing of the Novus supermarket chain Novus told how to build trusting relationships with customers through personalized experience, implement innovative marketing communications and develop new formats of stores, and also about the benefits of omnicanality and digital tools that keep always connecting with customers to create a positive image of the brand. RAU publishes the main theses of this material.

Ukrainian network of supermarkets Novus is in the five biggest retail networks in Ukraine, which in 2021-2023 years opened more 50 stores and its own logistics center. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion the company rethought the pricing strategy and focused on social destination goods. In 2024 Novus launched a mobile application, combining a loyalty card, personal promotions and a pricing scanning function.

Marketing strategy Novus: adapting to modern calls, changing customer behavior and effective tools communication

About key approaches, which Novus applies in the marketing strategy to adapt to the dynamic conditions of the market

For Novus marketing is about creating value for the customer at each point of interaction, where online channels and offline stores work synchronously, allowing the customer to have a personalized experience from the Novus application to a visit to a supermarket. Omnichannel is the core of our approach. We have combined the loyalty program, CRM, the mobile application and the offline space into one ecosystem. The Customer getspersonalized offers based on their preferences and purchases, regardless of where they interact with the brand. For example, the users of the application receive push notifications with beneficial promotions even before they visit the store.

Also consider carefully analyze changes in consumer behavior. If the earlier consumer decided in the store, now more than half of they interact with the brand in the digital environment. We live in a time where change is instantaneous, and the ability to adapt quickly has become a competitive advantage. For Novus this means building a flexible marketing strategy, based on analytics and modern technology. Besides the digital experience, we focus on quality service, because consumers expect fast service and transparency in all communications.

Novus Novus approach to marketing strategy is also based on our philosophy “We do it because we love it”. Every marketing initiative reflects our desire to make the consumer’s life more comfortable and convenient. This approach is embodied in how we build relationships with customers – through innovative services, quality in-house manufacturing, service in stores, personalized approach.

About Adapting the marketing strategy to current economic and social calls

Adapting the strategy is an ongoing process. One of the examples was the quick response of the team to the energy crisis: we operatively integrated the solution to supply stores with generators.power plants.

Another one example is the changing behavior and priorities of shoppers in the time of war. Now focus on the goods first need, we expanded the assortment of products of Ukrainian manufacturers. Also in conditions of economic instability more foundedly approached to the issue of pricing, ensuring competitiveness of prices on key goods.

About communication tools for engaging with consumers

Now it’s not only important to get information to consumers, but to do it with maximum transparency and empathy. We use different communication tools to engage and keep connected with consumers:

    • The Mobile App is not only a tool for informing, but also a powerful channel for personalized offers. It has become the heart of Novus communication, bringing the bonus program, discounts and personalized offers. With the application we can better understand the needs of the client and offer individualized solutions.
    • Social networks allow to build dialogue with consumers through different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram. Also help to quickly and effectively communicate information to customers, in particular about new promotions, products and services, support social initiatives, charity activities, loyalty program.Besides this we regularly update sections of the site.
    • CRM-system. Thanks to deep analysis of data we can bring the right information to the right people at the needed time, which significantly increases the effectiveness of communication and allows to personalize every contact with the client.
    • PR activities, in particular the media and bloggers. Novus collaborates with mainstream media and opinion leaders that allows to create deeper communication connections with consumers. Telegram channels are used for quick delivery of important information to subscribers.
    • Promotional activities, outdoor advertising help to form a positive image of the brand in city space, effectively reach wide audiences in places with high traffic people.
    • Digital communications – is a strategic tool for effective interaction with customers. We build campaigns based on clear objectives: image or performance-oriented.
    • Instor-activities used in Novus stores, for example, screens that broadcast promotions and news; instor-radio, informing about special offers. Advertising materials not directly in stores effectively increase the attraction of shoppers, accentuating on seasonal offers.

    About the mix of channels used in digital for promotions

    First first first determinethe main objective of the campaign: influence the image indicators of the brand (awareness, willingness to buy, loyalty) or the performance component (conversions to the site, subscriptions, leads, sales). If the goal image, optimal is the ratio of banner and video placement 30% to 70%. This provides quality contact with the targeted audience and reaches the desired frequency of interaction, without exceeding the budget for banner advertising.

    Almost almost always YouTube and Meta are “must have” places. To reach YouTube Premium users or those who are not hard users of social networks, we use posting programs that provide access to tens of thousands of sites. Sometimes we use big big data for point-to-point communication, using data from mobile operators.

    If talking about the performance component, we focus on Google and Meta. The last years of data from companies are improving the opportunities and the influence of II on the customization and optimization of campaigns, that allows to find the audience that is really interested in your product in a specific timeframe. There are also interesting solutions that simplify the user’s interaction with the brand: for example, the ability to fill out the form to subscribe/apply for credit/collections directly in the announcement, without going to the site, which significantly increases conversion rates.

    About the period for which the company plans marketing activities

    A general plan is made for the every year, which allows the opportunity to clearly allocate resources and determine priorities.However, we leave the possibility for flexibility: include the followingThis allows us to adapt to the changes in the market, respond to new calls and take advantage of opportunities for innovation.

    About the structure of the Marketing Department of Novus

    The Marketing Department of Novus has few specialized departments:

      • The Sales Incentives Department is responsible for developing and implementing promotions, loyalty programs and other initiatives to increase sales.
      • The External Communications and Communications and Communications with Public Relations is responsible for working with the media and influencers, supporting the image of the company and coordinating communication with external partners.
      • The Brand Management and Communications Department determines the brand strategy of Novus, its positioning in the market and ensures engagement with the target audience.
      • The Customer Experience Management department focuses on improving interaction with customers, in particular through CRM systems and data analytics .

      This structure allows to work with different aspects of marketing activities, effectively plan and implement strategies, and also provide coordinated work of all channels of communication.

      Personalization starts with understanding the customer – research audience and deep analysis of data

      About the number of authorized customersnetwork

      In 2024 year Novus more than one million authorized customers made purchases through the Novus loyalty program. Turnover of customers participating in the loyalty program is more than 65%. The biggest growth was in 2024 year after the launch of the mobile application. Today 500 thousands of clients use the application, which has become an indispensable tool for them.

      About Researching the targeted audience and tracking indicators

      Regularly monitoring such indicators, like basket size, frequency of visits, lifecycle of customers and migration between stores. This allows to build detailed segmentations and deepen understand the behavioral patterns of customers.

      For research we use the following segments:

        • The value of each customer is dependent on the size of basket, frequency of visits and variety of purchases.
        • Price sensitivity and filling the basket: what different groups of customers buy, how the react to changes in prices.
        • Loyalty to brands: which categories and brands are most loyal among Novus customers.
        • Lifestyle segmentation: character of purchases by time, basket composition and demographic data of customers.

        About the frequency of purchases among consumers of the network and the goods they buy

        The average frequency of visits Novus is 6,5 times per month, though this indicator can vary depending on the store and location. With this for different segments of customers the variability of the basket could vary from 30 to 200 different goods per quarter.

        What is about popular goods,bananas, chicken fillets, chicken fillets, eggs, and chilled fish remain among the leaders in sales. Promotional offers play a significant role in sales, so we’ve introduced the ability to track how much customers are saving on promotional items on the Novus mobile app. This not only gives them a general picture of spending, but it allows them to see the real savings, which makes purchasing more attractive.

        About quality service in food retail today and parameters, which reflect the level of customer satisfaction Novus

        Qualitative service in food retail today is the synergy of speed, convenience and emotional connection with the customer. Time is the most valuable resource of the modern person, so we invest in technology, which reduce the time waiting at the cashiers. For example, the introduction of self-service checkout allows customers to self-scan and pay for items, avoiding long lines.

        We consider the following parameters:

          1. Assortment – is the result of constant analysis of the market, trends and customers’ preferences. Our team is observing and improving the assortment matrix, that’s why Novus represents both basic products, and specialized goods, particularly organic products, gluten-free and lactose-free products, exclusive own imported items and prepared dishes from cuisine. Assortment is updated depending on theseason

            or holidays -from year-old berries to Christmas delicacies. Besides this, we cooperate with Ukrainian producers, providing clients fresh local products and simultaneously supporting domestic farmers.

          2. Affordability for everyone is the basis of Novus’ pricing policy. Regular promotional offers including popular items from each category and the bonus system allows customers to accumulate points for purchases.
          3. Comfortable infrastructure stores: convenient zoning categories, stylish interiors, wide aisles, spacious parking lots, equipped with charging for electric cars. Service – is not just a process, but and a feeling. Customer-centricity is the foundation of the corporate culture Novus.

          About the personalized approach

          True personalization begins with understanding the customer. Through in-depth analysis of data in the CRM system and the mobile application, we form individual offers that are appropriate:

            • Purchase histories: recommend promotions on those items that customers purchase most frequently.
            • Seasonal needs: offer solutions for holiday periods, for example, prepared menus or ingredients for popular dishes.
            • Preferences: If the customer prefers organic foods or specific brands, we inform they of promotions or news.

            About the chief achievements of Novus and

            the Novus and the Novus and the Novus.directions for development in the future

            About the key trends that will dominate in marketing in the next few years

            I want to notice a few important trends:

              1. Omnichannel. Synchronization of all points of contact with customers, from online platforms to physical stores, remains a priority strategy of Novus.
              2. Sustainability and environmental. Novus realizes a range of initiatives to reduce waste, support sustainable production and conserve resources. One of the important directions is the implementation of energy efficient technologies and reduction of energy costs, which also includes our energy independence program.
              3. Innovation and technology. Novus actively integrates the least new technologies into business processes, from automation and digital platforms to implementing new approaches in retail service. We believe that this will allow us to be closer to clients and to set new standards in the retail market Ukraine.
              4. Artificial intelligence and automation. The AI integration allows more accurate prediction of customer needs and automation of personalized offerings. We are working on the development of the CRM system, to more accurately provide individualized recommendations.
              5. Growing popularity of social responsibility brands. Customers are increasingly attention to the ethical side


              6. AdaptationtotheCommunity.changesinconsumerbehaviorandeconomicconditions.Werespondtochangesintheneedsofconsumersandadaptofferingsandmarketingactionstothenewrealities,toremainrelevantandclosetocustomers.

              In2024theNovusachievedsignificantresults,thanks to the work of the team,the trust of our clients and partners.Weinvestedmore than5050millionrninenergy independence.TheNetworkhas18newstoresandauniquelogisticscenterwith50thousandsquarem.

              Alsoexpandedassortmentmorethan600positionsnew products,includingproductsofUkrainianmanufacturers,andproducedmorethan20millionkgofproductsin-houseproduction.Alsoin2024Novuspaid2.5billiongrnoftaxes,whichbecameasignificantcontributiontothedevelopmentoftheeconomyofthecountry.Todaywecontinuetomoveforward.

              In2025yearwe plan toopenmore than50newstores,expandingdifferentformats-bothspacioussupermarkets,andcompactpointsinthehomeMyMarket.We areworkingtoimprovethequalityofserviceandinfrastructure,tostrengthenthepositioninthemarketandprovideacomfortableshoppingexperienceforshoppers.



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