
Material qualified from de minimis transferred to ecoschem. New solution under fire criticism farmers

Materiał kwalifikowany z de minimis przerzucony do ekoschematu. Nowe rozwiązanie pod odstrzałem krytyki rolników
  • There is a preliminary acceptance of KE for changes in ecoschemes for the year 2025.
  • A wave of criticism is pouring on the new ecoscheme of seed material.
  •  Farmers are not satisfied with the limit of 300 ha under ecoschemes. It in their view is hitting in the active farmer.

For the year 2025 planned there are some significant changes in ecoschemes. We informed on breaks portal why the proposed changes, which have already been approved in autumn 2024 year by the Monitoring Committee.

March after the belt, a new compilation of applications for direct subsidies in this application for ecoschemes will begin, a we are still waiting for movement from the European Commission to accept or modify the proposed changes. What can we expect? When will the changes be approved and in what dimension? How will the final writings look in the revised for year 2025 Strategic Plan?

– We have preliminary acceptance from the European Commission, hence we can with this information go out to the external. Not this is still in full formal information, so we have this also the formal way we can give (….)all those changes are on the best consulted in agreement, in such debate, in discussion with representatives of the European Commission, because also under EU regulations may be made  – said during yesterday’s meeting Deputy Minister of Agriculture Adam Nowak.

When should expect specific legislation?

– We are already in final talks with the European Commission, so we expect an answer in early or mid February.(…) On the current with the committee we are talking and generally we have the green light here. On the other hand in parallel we must implement these proposals in a law and this law on the Strategic Plan was also the subject of the State Committee of the Council

of Ministers and I hope, that at Tuesday’s Council of Ministers it will already be debated and

then as quickest it will be transmitted to the Sejm – said director of Department of

Direct Payments Joanna Czapla.

Direction Innovation 2025: on what ecoschemicals to in 2025? Read more

Direction Innovation 2025: What ecoschemicals will focus on in 2025?

Changes in Strategic Plan introduce new chaos

According to Krzysztof Ciecióra, MP and  former Vice Minister of Agriculture: – The initiative, to convene this committee was resulting from votes and requests farmers, who watch what is going with ecoschemes. In 2025 the year there are some other changes, which in my conception are being implemented very after slow and without due announcement

of these changes, or informing farmers about what is happening. Of course there was a Monitoring Committee, as I understand there

was a discussion on this issue, but there is no wider reflection, a broader look at that what

is going with ecoschemes, changes, that we are waiting for.

Ecoschemes to 300 ha? Lose on their larger farms family

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Ecoschemata do 300 ha? Lose to their larger farms family

Wave of criticism about changes in ecoschemes

Present in the room farmers and members spoke mainly of criticism of the changes. They criticized the lack of stability in the stages for ecoschemistry. As explained at the meeting, the pool is limited what to those payments and they have to be allocated, that is how he compared that member How Krzysztof Ardanowski – the bedding is too short.

In 2024 year only over 10.5 million ha were covered by these payments. Interest farmers were very large.


the more understandable is the fact, that in the new distribution instead of reducing the least active ecoschemes it is promoted,

then  ecoschemes, which enjoy the most interest from the farmers reduces stakes and adds new ecoschemes to the pool already

present, that would disrupt on new relations between individual activities. What more establishes its limit.

Ecoschemes after new from 2025. Before New Plan Strategic and New season

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Ecoschemes after new from 2025. Ahead of the new Strategic Plan and new season

Under wave criticism limit 300 ha

Lots of emotion so farmers cost information,

that from 2025 year. in the subsidies for ecoschemicals are to apply a limit of 300 hectares. The limit is the

effect of exceeding the pool of measures for the year 2024 and according governors is to ensure more stability and

predictability in the rates. According to some environments this hits clearly in the active farmer. Fast and this in whole small farms will be able to achieve this limit .  

Rates for ecoschemats down, farmers are disappointed. Specially for this two payments

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Rates for ecoschemicals down, farmers are disappointed. Particularly this affects two payments

Farmers don’t want new ecoschem

Most questions and controversies have appeared on new ecoschem: Application of seed categories elite or qualified.

It is to substitute additions to seed material from the pool de minimis. This in Adam Nowak’s opportunity administratively activities (unnecessary individual submission of applications, only together at the date of submission ecoschemes).

On the other hand, in the opinion of many present at the meeting this makes a major change in financing of the qualified material, a for others to the proverbial ” shooting themselves in the knee.”

– Will this not lead to that there will be followed by next increases in prices for seed material? Will by introducing this ecoscheme we really not open a Pandora’s box and problems for the farmers themselves?” – asked at the site of the Farmer.

-.Exclusion of seed material from de minimis to ecoschemes will make that quickly pick the limit 300 ha, especially on large farms – said Jaroslav Miściur of Lubel Association of Agriculture. His opinion this will restrict the possibility of using other activities.  

– We punish farmers active (…). There was de minimis and should be stayed. He spoke from the college – Lukasz Smolarczyk from Izby Rolnicza in Opole. I as asked further –  how will the farmers, who for autumn have already purchased seed material?

– Is there a chance at all, to get out of this because yes, respectable farms replace sowing material. Now throwing this into ecoschemes without this pool always allocated for sowing material would hurt – he said Andrzej Pauperowicz of the Warmińsko Association. Mazurian Producers Agricultural. 

W similar tone was spoken by Jaroslav Mistur. Also in his view the new ecoscheme is causing those farms, which are growing, grow very quickly reach a limit of 300 hectares losing therefore the possibility of additional income.

– A today, that farm would be competitive on the international arena, that really must utilize every gold, that is able to obtain from different type directions.  Exclusion in our opinion asassociation,materialseedfromaiddeminimisontheecoschemwill result,thatfarms,thatalreadyandsohaveusedthisseedingmaterialsotheyreallylimittheiropportunitiestoreachforotherecoschemes-saidJaroslavMistur. 


Themeetingwasclosedwithoutanswerstothe abovequestions.AssaidAdamNowak,thesolutionsproposedrequireacceptancefromthecommitteeandmaybe subjecttosomemodification,howeverthereshouldbethissignificantmodification,byhowmuchtherewillbe.Asassured:-Of courseinthesituation,thatwewillreceivethislast,finalresponse,thisinformationwewilltelltopublic



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