The police are investigating the circumstances and causes of a serious road accident near Ciechanów, which injured 4 people. Near the town of Kicin, two passenger Volkswagens and an agricultural tractor with a trailer collided on national road no. 50.
According to the police's preliminary findings, the 19-year-old driver of a VW Golf was driving with 4 passengers, aged 18, 21 and 24, towards Płońsk. In front of him, a 24-year-old tractor driver was moving in the same direction. Unfortunately, the tractor driver started turning left at the same moment when the Golf driver wanted to overtake him. In addition, at the same moment a 55-year-old woman driving a VW Caddy turned from the side road onto the country road in the opposite direction. As a result, all three vehicles collided.
The drivers of the cars and the tractor were not injured in the collision, but four passengers of the VW Golf were injured. According to the police, "the conscious people with bodily injuries were transported to hospitals in Płońsk and Ciechanów." The officers detained the driving license of a 19-year-old Golf driver for clarification.
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