
Marywilska 44 starts with reconstruction of commercial center destroyedby fire

Marywilska 44 rusza z odbudową centrum handlowego zniszczonego pożarem

The Management of MARYWILSKA 44 met with tenants and presented the modified concept of the new commercial center, which will be built in the place of the facility destroyed by fire of 12 May 2024 year. The concept was developed after previous consultations with entrepreneurs and takes their key concerns into account.

The retail area will be divided into thematic zones, which will allow better adapting the offer to customers and facilitate moving around the facility. The new design includes including optimal location of locations and comfortable communication trains allowing intuitive movement around the center.

From 3 March br. management of the company will start individual meetings with tenants and sign contracts for rent of locations in the new facility. Priority in selection of locations will be held by entrepreneurs, who after the fire have renewed activity and are operating in the Temporary City Commercial MARYWILSKA 44. Only after exhausting the needs of this group will start the next stage of commercialization, open to other entrepreneurs interested in conducting activity in a new complex.

Marywilska 44 – no later in 2026 year

Commencement of reconstruction of the center will be possible after obtaining all required administrative permits, in including the approval of the local plan for distribution. Today there is intensive work on the necessary documentation, to accelerate the formal process and to pass the administrative path after the local plan is approved. Finally however the date of beginning work depends on factors, on which the company has no influence. The Management estimates that the process of rebuilding – in the best scenario -will be completed by the end 2026 year.



Over work on the reconstruction of the new Center, under the known and loved shopping address MARYWILSKA 44 is invariably throbbing life. Today on the grounds Complex MARYWILSKA 44 variably operates City Commerce MARYWILSKA 44 and Park Commerce MARYWILSKA 44. Remember, that in the Park Commercial Complex a unique space, in which you can still find a wide selection of products and services. More than 400 shops and service points, open 7 days in week, provide access to a rich offering, to which Customers of MARYWILSKA 44 are accustomed to over the last 14 years. This is how you always can buy almost everything – from the screw, through fashion for the whole family, also after the family.articles to equip the house. Increasing interest of customers is also gastronomic and beauty with numerous salons manicure or fryers. To complement the rich offer of the City is Park Commercial MRYWILSKA 44 with its recreational zone, an extensive offer of finishing and equipment interiors, loved by customers networks and salons offering fashion pearls of the best brands and highestquality.

The meetinghadnotonlyaninformational character,butalsowasanopportunityforfurtherexchangeofopinionsbetweenmanagementandentrepreneurs.Theownersof thecompaniessharedtheirconcernsabouttheproject,andtheCompanydeclared,thatunchangeablyopentodialoguewithtenants,aprimarygoalistocreateacommercial space,whichwillbefunctional,friendlytocustomers,andwhatfollowsandgivestheopportunitytobuildanddevelopbusinessesoftenants.



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