
Marketplaces are discussing transferring unsold goods to charity

Маркетплейсы обсуждают передачу нераспроданных товаров на благотворительность

PPvendors and marketplaces agree to implement the practice of direct transfer of unsold goods to charities, writes .

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock/Fotodom

The issue of direct transfers to charities of goods from warehouses of marketplaces will be developed by President of the Association of representatives of electronic trade Alexei Moskalenko reported that with the initiative first was sellers, a  AKIT and Wildberries it was supported.

President AKIT Artyom Sokolov explained, that the average indicatorturnover of goods on marketplaces – 45-60 days. Sell goods stored in warehouses more 90 days, it is already difficult. Such a load becomes a burden for businesses. Large volumes of unliquid goods create difficulties and for marketplaces. There may

As the expert reported, the issue of transferring goods with low returns is being processed with several funds: it is supposed thattheywillformalistofneededitems.

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