The Polish labor market is changing dynamically. You can see in it a pronounced regional differentiation, with a general increase in average gross remuneration in the enterprise sector and the continuing deficit of specialists in key sectors. This is one of the main conclusions coming from the new report “Market employment, education, skills. Current trends and results”, published
by the Polish Agency Development Entrepreneurship (PARP).
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Employees of chain supermarkets protest. There is a statement of company
Unemployment – stabilization or the beginning of change?
The labor market in Poland by the end of 2024 year paints a differentiated picture, combining stabilization in the country perspective with clear regional differences. According to data from GUS1 the unemployment rate in November was 5%, which indicates stabilization on the scale of year, though in comparison with October there was a small increase of 0.1 p.p. Regions with the lowest unemployment – Greater (2.9%) and Silesian (3.5%) – still retain their position leaders, while the Podkarpackie (8.4%) and Warmińsko-Mazurskie (8%) still are struggling with difficulties.
In the country we have 774.5 thousand of registered unemployed, of which 52% are women. This is a reminder, that equality of opportunity and access to the job market remain key challenges.
Wages are rising, but diversity remains
The average gross wage in the enterprise sector has reached a level of 8478,26 £2 – this increased by impressive 10.5% on a year scale. However behind this optimistic indicator hides the diversity between regions and industries. For example the technological and financial sectors are clearly ahead of wages in sectors such as production and services. What more, is visible is the decrease in the number of job offers – 65.6 thousands. in November 2024 year that is by over 15 thousand offers fewer than in the month before3. It indicates that the dynamics of employment are slowing, which may affect further growth of wages.
Barometer.occupations – where to find jobs?
Prognoses for 2025 year indicate a constant deficit of specialists in key sectors, such as construction, transport and healthcare 4. Deficit occupations include such as. drivers of trucks, nurses, decontractors and accountants. This problem is especially visible in smaller locations, where access to skilled personnel is limited.
From the other side, almost 145 professionals have achieved balance between supply and demand.5 The situation is stabilizing in professions such as cooks, salespersons and physiotherapists, which may be the result of better adjustment of the education system to the needs of the labor market. Nevertheless the problem of unemployment in occupations requiring high qualifications remains updated.
Technologies are changing the employment
As results from a report conducted by Pracuj.pl6, a 62% of respondents believe, that digital competencies are key to maintaining employment. Tools using art intelligence (AI) already now support employees IT, marketing and HR. Employees of these industries are using AI mainly to create textual materials, analyze data and automate recruitment processes.
This allows to focus more on creative and strategic tasks. At the same time 35% of workers feared the loss of work to technology, which underlines the importance of developing skills, which are difficult to replace with automation.
New opportunities in 2025 year
The first quarter of 2025 year brings promising forecasts – a 35% of companies plan to increase employment7. The greatest opportunities for new jobs will be for specialists from IT (+25%) and transport and logistics (+22%). Despite this, 45% of employers point to the lack of suitable candidates as the main recruitment problem. In response to these challenges many companies invest in training and development of the competencies of their teams, trying to meet the increasing requirements of the market.
From analyses of the European Commission reported in the PARP report, that the unemployment rate according BAEL in Poland will in 2025 year. 2.8%. This will be the second lowest performance in the European Union, after the Czech Republic, where the projected level is 2.7%. Poland’s result will remain significantly below the average for member countries, which is to be 5.9%.
Key trends and challenges
Development of new technologies and increasing importance of digital competencies are shaping changingthemarket.isthecountrymarketofwork.Thecomingyearwillbekeyforbothworkers,andemployers,whowanttoeffectivelyfind themselvesinthesedynamicconditions.Increasinginvestmentindevelopingqualificationsandimplementinginnovativesolutionscanproveto bethedeterminingfactorofsuccess.
Areyourcompetenciesalignedwithtrendsintheemployment market? Ifnot,thisisa goodmoment,toinvestindevelopmentandtakethecomingopportunities.