Mark Formelle released “Lightism” collection created in collaboration with famous Belarusian artist Grigory Ivanov. Collection embodies in its self philosophy of light and color, inherent to the creation master.
Grigory Ivanov long years explores theme of light in his art. For the artist it is much more than just a appearance of nature it is the highest form of energy, which fills and transforms everything around. In Ivanov’s works light is not only a physical phenomenon, but and defines the world, fills it with meaning. In the words of the
painter, contemplating the light, the person communicates with something more exalted, than he himself.
“One of the main accent of the color and light, so important for the creativity of Grigory Ivanov. It is this harmonious combination that harmonious combined with the base of expressive prints of the new capsule. Light transforms each detail, giving not only visual expressiveness, but and deep spiritual meaning.
A And it is also an important reminder of that every one of us keeps the source
of light inside themselves,
as told by Mark Formelle.
The capsule includes in themselves hoodies, sweatshirts and t-shirts for all the family, which allows to create themed family-images. The models are made in minimalistic,
modern silhouettes and are represented in basic shades gray, dark blue and black.collection also included home
kits and pajamas for women and girls in gentle colors sky blue and pale pink.
TheclothingcollectionisalreadyavailableinMarkFormelle stores,andit is alsoavailableonlinetoorderwithdeliveryacrossthecountry.