Although almost 14 years have passed since the transition to euros, the residents of Estonia still have an impressive number of Estonian
krone. Estonian banknote denomination 100 kron. Photo: Toomas
4 February 2025,
Although almost 14 years have passed since the transition to Euro , the people of Estonia still have an impressive number of Estonian
The Bank of Estonia is still exchanging Estonian krones for euros. In the fourth quarter of 2024 year in the bank was conducted 191 exchange operations for 45 703 euros.
According to data from the Central Bank, the Central Bank, there are still unexchanged Estonian krones for an amount of 43,6 million euros, including 28.4 million banknotes (36.9 million euros) and 319.5 million coins (6.7 million euros). The bank also emphasized that in the last years demand for the exchangeofkroneforeurosremainsinsignificant.