The Company Huuge Games with its premises in Szczecin has received a resolution of intention to conduct group releases and started the consultation process on group releases.
The group releases will be conducted by the end of February 2025 year, and will cover an estimated approximately 21% of employees in the capital group. (according to status at end 31 December 2024 year). Simultaneously, in connection with the process of group releases a review of the structure of employment in the whole group of capital, in this outside Poland, and no further reductions of employment are excluded. As a result of such actions and group reductions of employment in the capital group are about 28% of employees.
Consultation among employees
After conducting the consultation process with representatives of employees about employment. group releases reached agreement with representatives of employees on group releases and on January 16 2025 year. submitted notifications to the proper offices of employment, thereby starting the process of group releases.
Group releases will be conducted by the end of February 2025 year. The Subsidiary assumes that the group releases will cover 89 people, which is about 21% of all employees in the capital group total. At the same time the company has decided to restruct employment in The Netherlands and Finland. The reduction of employment in Poland and outside Poland will total 122 people, which is about 29% of all employed in the capital group.
State data on the impact of restructuring employment on financial performance of the company and capital group will be presented in the consolidated report for I quarter 2025 year.
Company Huuge in Poland almost doubled profit
Huuge -. listed on The Securities Stock Exchange in Warsaw a gaming manufacturer known as mainly from games Huuge Casino and Billionaire Casino.
In 2023 year the Huuge group earned 1.12 billion dollars in revenue, against 1.4 billion year previously and1.52billionin2021year.In2023yearthecompanyinPolandhad307million£income(increaseby62.6proc.year)and129.3million£in profit.The companyemployedatthen331people.Forremunerationtothemanagementit allocated1.5millionzł.