
Make a plan for spring protection of crops. Learn, how towiselyoptimizecosts.

Zrób plan wiosennej ochrony zbóż. Zobacz, jak mądrze optymalizować koszty

In practice you may meet with many different approaches to protection of fungicide crops in spring. Sometimes there is an opinion “spray once, a well”. Unfortunately, such possibility doesn’t exist. With good distribution of falls there is no opportunity, to maintain the healthiness of plants for some weeks, by performing only one treatment. The situation is different, if there appears a strong water shortage. Then the pression of disease is lower, but and reduction of plot occurs as a

So when preparing for spring protection, let’s take care, to actually optimize expenditures, but not at the cost of cutting other treatments. It is the way to nowhere. Resigning from specific applications should come only from agrometeorological conditions. Resigning from protection, we lose significantly more.

Treatment T-1. The basis of spring protection of beans

However, that we can plan the first treatment. This is is not optional, a even mandatory. Stands its foundation for further protection and in a large measure determines the direction of plant development in spring. It is possible even to say, that further protection of crops without application T-1 in the right time is like building a house without funding.

What more, the T-1 process should be performed in a clearly defined “window” – only then in fully utilized is the protective potential of applied in this time active substances. De facto protection in time T-1 should be implemented by the phase BBCH 32, that is by the phaseofthesecondcolumn.In thisprocessourattentionisdirectedm.Among other things,onprotectionagainstbasediseases-thosewecannotfightin laterphasesofdevelopment.


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