New Minister of antimonopoly regulation and trade Arthur Karpovich said in the air of TV channel “Belarus 1” about the main tasks, which will be resolved by the department under his leadership. We present the main statements.
– Belarusian retailers should take all the best that was in Soviet trade. Soviet trade was saturated with domestic produced goods and was characterized by stable prices independent of regions, and its best advertising was smiling sellers. Shopping facilities today should become a little more spiritual.
– Our country can’t do away with imports, but we should must make more emphasis on the realization of domestic produced goods, because it is and the independence of the state and the development of our industrial sector. In the last years we have a decreasing share of domestic produced food and non-food products. This is worrying.
– We need to work to increase the wages of trade workers and also increase the profitability of our producers, because they must work in one link.
– Market online trading in Belarus for the year could increase by 5-7%. On large online sites also need to increase the share of products of domestic manufacturers.
– While the development of the formula of fair price is underway. It must be so that neither trade, nor producer, norconsumerwill suffer.
-The task of serving thepopulationinrurallocationsis stillon theshouldersoftheconsumercooperative.It is necessary toto pay special attention to the development of this area, because people should not suffer.