Since the launch of the retail foodshedding program summer 2022 year, the Magnet chain has donated 1 thousand tonnes of foods foods, and nbsp;and non-food items.
Source: “Magnet”
“Magnet” is implementing a foodsharing project with charitable foundation “Bank food “Rus”. Volunteers fund operatively, in day assembling at darkstores and in stores, transfer products to the beneficiaries. All products are double checked by quality For this time the help from “Magnet” has received more 455 thousand people: many children families, single pensioners and other people found in difficult life situations. Most of the volume of food transferred in food foods (70%) went to vegetables and fruits, which helped people to make a balanced diet. The company also sent bakery and groceries to the needy people. The Food basket includes 300 items (excluding animal products of origin). S 2024 year in within retail foodshearing Magnet also transfers some non-food items to needy people: means for personal care, household chemicals, technics, household textiles, dishes, paper products, toys and others. All products are usable and safe, but with suitable end-of-life or significant damage (e.g., with small chips, scratches, scratches).or packaging defects). The share of non-food goods was 5% of the total foodshedding volume. In present time the program of retail foodshering “Magnet” operates in 20 cities and covers scale geography from Voronezh to Chelyabinsk. In the first stage in 2022 year the company launched foodsharing on the base of darxtors in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 2023 the retailer began testing foodsharing in stores of large formats Retail foodsharing