
“Magnet has attracted over 2 million people to the outreach program for young people withdisabilities.”

«Магнит» привлек более 2 млн человек к просветительской программе для молодых людей с инвалидностью

Retailer “Magnet” summarized the results of the outreach social program for young people with disabilities and their families “Relay success” for 2024 year.


Source: “Magnet”

“Relay of Success” – is a series of open discussions, whose participants are people with health, who have succeeded in achieving success and recognition, as well as representatives of specialized NGOs and other experts. In format of open talk speakers tell how to self-realize, find work and vocation, how to overcome internal difficulties, what kind of support people with disabilities can receive from the government and NGOs. The main goal of “Relay Success” is to show young people with disabilities positive scenarios for integration into society, profession, demonstrate successful examples of employment, realization in creativity, sports and social life. The Initiative is being implemented in partnership with inclusive the Everland Project with support of the “Open to All” Agency Strategic Initiatives.

In 2024 year “Magnet” conducted “Relay Race of success” for second time, expanding its geography to regions. From July, when the Started “Relay”, to December last year in within the program took place 17 events in format open talk –

In events of the program can participate online, as and

More than 80 80 speakers – they are young successful professionals with with disabilities, representatives of local NGOs, businesses, educational institutions, leaders of the inclusive movement in the region. Speakers from  “Magnet” were 20 people  – managers, sellers, directors of stores and  representatives of management told about their experiences of work and

In 2025 the Success Relay activities will continue in the second phase of the program launched in last year. Moscow, Bashkortostan and Mordovia will join the relay.

“Children and young people with disabilities, their parents and guardians often are in difficult situations in in connection with with the need to choose an educational institution, profession, job and to seek ways of self-realization in life. It is important to show them existing options and examples of successful integration into the society of people with disabilities. This task and solves our educational program “Relay of success”, which in 2024 year started for the second time and for the project has attracted more than 2 million participants offline and online. The best assessment of effectiveness and relevance of the program is high interest from the targeted audience. That is why we will continue “The baton of success” and in 2025 year”, – said the head of the social policy of the retail network.«Магнит» Мария Лудкова.

«Магнит» протестирует цифрового консультанта в магазинах

В сети «Магнит Аптека» установили экобоксыдлясбораупаковкиот лекарствна переработку

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