Group “M.Video-Eldorado” analyzed statistics of sales of console in the Russian Federation for 2024 year.
Photo: SrideeStudio/Shutterstock/Fotodom
Russian market of gaming console by results 2024 year showed significant growth in monetary expression, increasing by 29.5% compared with 2023 year. Total volume of sales was 31.67 billion rubles, while as the year earlier this indicator was 24.46 billion rubles. With this number of consoles sold remained at The leader of the Russian market is Sony, which not only retained the leadership, but and The second place in monetary expression is Microsoft, whose share has almost decreased twice – from 16% to 8.9%. In quantitative expressions the share decreased from 7.1% to 4.8%. Nintendo showed mixed results: in units its share slightly increased (from 4.5% to 4.9%), but in money there was a small decline from 6.5% to 5.3%. This could suggest stable sales of portable solutions and less active updating of devices. “One of the “M.Video-Eldorado