What observation of plant after winter?
Evaluating manning, that is weighting the plant per meter square, is one of the most important tasks that should be performed before going to plant with the spreader.
Generally it is difficult to talk about any minimum quantities of plant / mkw, that would allow good planting. There were and such that no good plant yield where after winter there were 15 plants / mkw. However with such low occupancy we are even more dependent on weather conditions. The more these differ from the so-called optimal. optimal, the greater risk, that the plot will be low. However with very good distribution of rainfall and temperatures, a only with very good agrotechnics (fertilization for time, good protection) and such plantation is not quite total. Although it must be stressed that the risk of operating such plantation, in relative to plantation, is high.
Recommendations mention often, that the minimum manning after winter, is at least 20 plants/sqm, optimally while about 25 plants /sqm. Experiences in this area are different and often depend on individual factors. Some planters even prefer lower observation because of the fact,
that plants compensate for lower number of plants on a given unit area with more branches.
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Check the leaf of
Must also pay attention to the condition of the plants themselves. This is worth looking at the leaves, among other things. The plant takes nitrogen in autumn, which is accumulated in the plant. Leaves after winter may be frozen, but at the same time they may be the source of nitrogen for plants in spring. Here only remember about that accumulated in leaves nitrogen will be available to plants with delay, because this must be mineralized. Of course nitrogen will come back on theplantation, if the plants in autumn had where to get it. It may be assumed, that if already in the mid autumn we observed on plants symptoms of strong deficiency, this and the level N that may have done will
be small. On the other hand, the loss mass itself in itself doesn’t have to constitute a big problem, if only
the blood is well supplied with food nutrients for spring (and only those are fed with
adequate preparation).
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Check the root system and neck
A very important aspect is a thorough review of the root neck. The thickness of it was affected by autumn conditions, from the sowing date to fertilization, regulation, to the meteorological situation. Pay attention to eventual damage to neck. A severely damaged neck and root system unfortunately does not give the best prognosis. Then independently dependent on management and agrotechnology reduction of plant will undoubtedly occur. And how will
it be? The largest losses noted are when the root is damaged at a depth of 10 – 12 cm. More reduction
of plant is in cases, when the damage appears at a depth of about 30 cm. Always however the damaged
root system (e.g., because ofstemmingdebris)contributestoreducedplanting.