
Logistic operator SDEC installed its first postamat in Minsk

Логистическая оператор СДЭК установмл свой первый постамат в Минске

The first Postamat SDEC has appeared in Minsk. Installed it in the TsC Bonus (Minsk, Vladislav Golubka, 2) on the first floor, along the vacation. Vladislav Golubka, 2) on the first floor, about the exit. The time of the time of work the TC: from 9.00 to 23.00. Another three postamata

will be installed in trading centers Minsk, – reported director OOO “SDEK” Ruslan Vikulov.

 Logistic operator SDEC installed its first postamat in Minsk />

Postamat already operates for delivery of parcels and correspondence. It is already possible to send a parcel from any point in Russia. In the near future it will be possible to send a parcel and in the return direction (to Russia), putting it in the Locker.

The Logistics SDEC system in Belarus includes: 6 sorting centers(inMinskandeachoblastcity),93PVZsin34cities,-notedintheIntermodalTransportationandLogisticsAssociation”AIPL“.

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