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Ranking of respected professions. Influencers and YouTubers at the bottom of the ladder
Little-known but well-paid professions include those of a barnacle catcher, an ethical hacker, and a virtual reality designer. According to the latest Personnel Service ranking, these professions offer attractive salaries, which attracts daredevils who like challenges.
– As long as the world is wide, there are plenty of opportunities to earn money, from standard and widely known activities to unique ones that attract individuals with selected skills. The key here is passion, which is always worth following, because it is what drives us to be unique in what we do, while also earning great money. These unusual professions, requiring specialized knowledge and courage, often offer high salaries. Their specificity makes them not only interesting, but also lucrative – says Krzysztof Inglot, founder of Personnel Service and a labor market expert.
On the ocean
There are crustaceans three times more expensive than lobsters, and catching them is very risky. Barnacle fishermen are specialists in collecting this luxurious seafood that attaches itself to rocks in the high and low tide zone. This work requires great physical fitness and endurance, as well as resistance to stress, because it takes place in difficult and dangerous conditions. This ancient craft requires fishermen to gently remove the barnacles from the rocks, taking care not to damage them. Despite the risk this job entails, high remuneration and a passion for the sea and adventure attract many daredevils to this profession. For one kilogram of barnacles you can get about 100 euros, and in one catch you can collect up to 16 kg of them.
In the sky
Working at heights does not always have to involve actually staying above the ground. All you need is a passion for technology and completing the appropriate documents to become a drone pilot. This is a profession that requires knowledge of safety regulations, appropriate skills and a ULC certificate. In Poland, it is necessary to obtain a drone pilot qualification certificate. Trainings offered include: in aviation schools, and their cost may range from several hundred to several thousand zlotys.
Working as a drone pilot is a combination of passion, creativity and technical skills. Earnings range from PLN 6,000 to PLN 10,000 net per month, depending on the type of orders, which may include both simple photo sessions and advanced work such as mapping or monitoring. To be successful, it is worth investing in equipment, improving skills and looking for niche areas that will allow you to stand out on the market.
Dog life
Working with animals and analyzing their behavior in order to modify it is also becoming more important. This is what a dog behaviorist does. His work involves identifying the cause of a dog's behavioral problems and developing an appropriate therapeutic strategy. Dog behaviorist salaries can vary greatly, usually depending on experience, location and type of practice. Specialists can receive up to PLN 7,000 net per month, especially if they run their own business and have a solid reputation among clients. This work requires not only theoretical and practical knowledge, but also empathy and the ability to build trust with clients, which makes this professional path rewarding for animal enthusiasts.
Professional burglars
An ethical hacker is a computer security professional who legally tests systems, networks, and applications to detect vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals. This work involves conducting penetration tests, source code analysis and attack simulations to identify potential threats. An ethical hacker must have in-depth knowledge of various hacking techniques, operating systems and network protocols, as well as the ability to document and report their findings in a way that IT teams and managers can understand. As a result, they help organizations strengthen their security and protect valuable data from cyberattacks. Their salary in the United States can reach up to PLN 304,000. dollars per year.
Creators of new worlds
Since the beginning of time, novel authors have been professionally involved in transporting people to imaginary worlds. With technological progress, there are more and more professions to create a new reality. One of the newest positions is a virtual reality (VR) designer. He is a professional responsible for creating captivating and interactive digital worlds that offer users immersive experiences. Using his creativity and technical knowledge, he designs complex environments, from virtual landscapes to extensive urban spaces, that can be used in various industries such as gaming, education, architecture and healthcare. According to glasdoor.com data, the salary of a VR designer depends on experience, location and type of projects – beginners can earn from PLN 64,000. dollars per year, and experienced specialists even from PLN 114,000. dollars per year.