The judge of the valuation during the 30th Regional Livestock Exhibition in Szepietowo was Zdeněk Schaffelhoffer. Which females were rated the highest by him?
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Super Champions from Szepietowo 2024
Let us remind you that the super champion among adult females was the cow Boscand from Adan Pietruszyński's farm. Her father is the Dutch bull Esperanto, and her mother's father is the American Gameday. The breeder received a total of three championships and one reserve championship.
The super champion among the younger heifers was Tuna 2023 from Andrzej Dzięgielewski's farm. Her father is the American bull Caviar, and her mother's father is the American Derek. Dzięgielewski's females won a total of three championships and one reserve championship.
In turn, the super champion among older heifers was Gawęda 6, owned by Kraszewski Tomasz. Her father is the American bull Malt Red, and her mother's father is the Dutch Conan PP Red.
After the valuation in the ring in Szepietowo during the 20th Regional Breeding Animal Exhibition, the following people also had reasons to be happy: Burzyński Marek, Kulesza Paweł, Łuba Wojciech, Piłkowski Ireneusz, Radziszewski Andrzej and Skrodzki Zbigniew, whose females won the titles of champions.
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Meet the Super Champions from Bratoszewice
XXX Regional Livestock Exhibition in Szepietowo – list of champions and reserve champions
Below we present the full list of champions and reserve champions from this year's exhibition in Szepietowo, along with information about their fathers, mothers and fathers of mothers.
Heifers 10-11 months PHF HO variety
- champion: Tuna 2023, by the bull Caviar, mother: Tuna, mother's father: Derek. Its owner is Dzięgielewski Andrzej. This hen also won the title of super champion among younger heifers.
- reserve champion: Dada 2023, sired by Rainow, mother: Dada, father of mother: Musteer. Its owner is Dzięgielewski Andrzej.
- 2nd reserve champion: Noga, sired by Patek, mother's father: Goldrush. Its owner is Piłkowski Ireneusz.
Heifers 12-13 months PHF HO variety
- champion: Roga, after the bull Handshake, mother: RFN 1, dam's father: DKR Pedro. Its owner is Marek Burzyński.
- reserve champion: Haiti, after the bull Altaplinko, mother: Haiti, father of mother: Altamontoya. Its owner is Garzyn sp. z o. o
- 2nd reserve champion: Spacja, by the bull Razor, mother: Spacja 49, dam's father: Yoda. Its owner is Kraska Łukasz.
Heifers 12-13 months PHF variety RW
- champion: Rachel, sired by Jordy Red, mother: Rumba, father of mother: Step Red. Its owner is Łuba Wojciech.
Heifers 14-15 months PHF HO variety
- champion: Dosia, after the bull Ramavinga, mother: Doza, dam's father: Kenobi. Its owner is Piłkowski Ireneusz.
- reserve champion: Andora 3, after the bull Altaalanzo, mother: Andora 2, dam's father: Medley. Its owner is Cieślik Tomasz.
- 2nd reserve champion: Gretje 6, sired by War Chant, mother: Gretje 5, father of mother: Atwood. Its owner is Wojno Wiesław.
Heifers 16-17 months PHF variety HO, RW
- champion: Gawęda 6, after the bull Malt Red, mother: Gawęda, father of mother: Conan PP Red. Its owner is Kraszewski Tomasz. This hen also won the title of super champion among older heifers.
- reserve champion: Muza, by the bull Orthild, mother: Muza 39, dam's father: Techno. Its owner is Kraska Łukasz.
Heifers 18-19 months PHF variety HO, RW
- champion: Lupa 2022, after the bull Jordy Red, mother: Lupa, father of mother: Crown Red. Its owner is Dzięgielewski Andrzej.
- reserve champion: Leganza, by the bull Moovin, dam: Lavonta, dam sire: Crown Royal. Its owners are Emilia and Grzegorz Kulesz.
- 2nd reserve champion: Buka, after the bull Cosmo, mother: Bila, father of mother: Jordani. Its owner is Kulesza Paweł.
Heifers 22-24 months PHF variety HO, RW
- champion: Kometa, after the bull Ronny, mother: Corsica, father of mother: Bellwether. Its owner is Skrodzki Zbigniew.
- reserve champion: Santa, by the bull Pellegrino, mother: Santafe 12, dam's father: Niven. Its owner is Marek Burzyński.
- 2nd reserve champion: Vixa, after the bull Delta Lambda, mother: Veranda 2, father of mother: Solomon. Its owner is Wojno Wiesław.
Cows – 1 lactation younger PHF HO variety
- champion: Roe, after the bull Woody, mother: Roe, father of mother: Atlantic. Its owner is Pietruszyński Adam.
- reserve champion: Karma, after the bull Jazz, mother: Karma, father of mother: GH Uban. Its owner is Garzyn sp. z o. o
- 2nd reserve champion: Bianka, by the bull Helix, mother: Bystra, father of mother: Biggie. Its owner is Szeligowski Piotr.
Cows – 1 lactation older PHF HO variety
- champion: Pila, after the bull Denver, mother: Pelif, dam's father: Barveness. Its owner is Kulesza Paweł.
- reserve champion: Roda, after the bull Zasadny, mother: Niem 26, mother's father: Knoby. Its owner is Marek Burzyński.
- 2nd reserve champion: Emka 24, sired by Tropic, mother: Emka 51, dam's father: Keenan. Its owner is Kraska Łukasz.
Cows – 2nd lactation PHF, HO, RW variety
- champion: Jana, by Holcomb, mother: Jana, father: Saloon. Its owner is Pietruszyński Adam.
- reserve champion: Bursa 47, sired by Derek, mother: Bursa, father of mother: Merrick. Its owner is Kraska Łukasz.
- 2nd reserve champion: Lavonta, after the bull Crown Royal, mother: Rosella, mother's father: Fergus. Its owners are Emilia and Grzegorz Kulesz.
Cows – 3rd lactation PHF HO variety
- champion: Bora, after the bull Pharo, mother: Boris, father of mother: Monterey. Its owner is Kulesza Paweł.
- reserve champion: Wisła, sired by Derek, mother: Wiki, father of mother: Maniek. Its owner is Skrodzki Zbigniew.
- 2nd reserve champion: Bystra, after the bull Biggie, mother: Bora, father of mother: Idefix. Its owner is Szeligowski Piotr.
Cows – 4th lactation and further PHF HO variety
- champion: Boscand, after the bull Esperanto, mother: RH Bosland, father of mother: Gameday. Its owner is Pietruszyński Adam. This hen also won the title of cow super champion
- reserve champion: Ruta 5, by the bull Applejax, mother: Ruta 4, dam's father: Zeber. Its owner is Kurzyna Krzysztof.
- 2nd reserve champion: Wiera, sired by Adorable, mother: Walęcja, father of mother: Windbrook. Its owner is Skrodzki Zbigniew.
Brown Swiss cows
- champion: Susi, after the bull Rampage, mother: Susanna, mother's father: Amor. Its owner is Dzięgielewski Andrzej.
- reserve champion: Pina, after the bull Get Lucky, mother: Pelicane, mother's father: Salomon. Its owner is Paweł Burzyński.
Cows of conservative breeds
- champion: Elza, after the bull Linus, mother: Elipsa, father of mother: Kulek. Its owner is Radziszewski Andrzej.
- reserve champion: Eliza, by the bull Rekin O, mother: Ela, mother's father: Zając O. Her owner is Dobrzycki Marcin.
- 2nd reserve champion: Kinia. Its owner is Dobrzycki Marcin.
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7 champions and one super champion among heifers in Bratoszewice