Lidl Latvija has opened the first self-service checkouts in Latvia – they are located in the Riga store at Lubānas Street 113A. The self-service zone created has 10 self-service checkouts. In the coming months, self-service checkouts will gradually be installed and will start operating in all Lidl stores in Latvia. It is planned that on average there will be 6-10 of them in each store. Each store will also have several checkouts with cashiers for those who prefer to be served. The total investment of Lidl in the introduction of self-service checkouts in Latvia will approach two million euros. As Lidl representative Zane Nelke says: “Following our concept of simple and convenient shopping, we are starting to introduce self-service checkouts in Latvia. The store on Lubānas Street is our first step in this project, which will cover all Lidl stores in Latvia in the coming months. Our checkouts are easy to use, but, as always, Lidl will be a little different from other retailers – in order to leave the self-service area, customers will first need to scan the receipt,” says Zane Nelke. How to shop at Lidl self-service checkouts? • Customers must scan the selected items and place them in the adjacent weighing area. • For customers with a larger volume of goods, there are also cash registers with an XXL weighing area, where they can conveniently place all their purchases. • For convenience, scanned purchases in the weighing area can be immediately packed into one of the Lidl bags, which will be available at the checkout. • The touch screen of the checkout has a convenient product search function, allowing you to find the desired product and indicate the quantity of goods to be purchased. • Thinking about nature, when buying different types of buns and muffins, it is not necessary to put them in separate bags, it is enough if you indicate the selected products and their quantity on the screen, and then put the combined muffins on the adjacent scales. area. • A special hand scanner designed for large-sized purchases, which will allow you to easily scan the barcode of the product, avoiding the need to pick up the product and place it on the checkout scanner and scales. • The checkout scanner will also allow you to scan the Lidl Plus app customer card. A little trick for those who forgot to take their phone – just enter your phone number on the screen. However, in this case, you will not be able to take advantage of discounts on an inactive coupon. • The receipt for the transfer of the deposit container must also be scanned before making a payment. • You can only pay for your purchases at Lidl self-checkouts using a payment card, a banking app installed on your smartphone or smartwatch. • After making a payment, be sure to take a printed receipt, because, as in other European countries, in order to exit the self-checkout, customers must first scan the purchase receipt, which will open the security gate. • In order to help customers make purchases, check the age of customers and ensure the purchase of tobacco products, a store employee is always present in the self-checkout area. • Goda ģimene family card holders have the option to indicate that they are using the Goda ģimene family card at self-checkouts, which will also be checked by a store employee.