- Till the resumption of the season is still a while, it is worth to plan the scheme of early spring activities.
- Assessment of plants after winter is the key for further agrotection of grapes.
Let’s check the state of plant before we move with fertilizer
that, what is most important in the start of intensive spring vegetation, is the supply of plants with nutrients. What to this there is not the slightest doubt.
Before you take any action it is worth taking a look at the plant and assess its state after winter. The bright calendar winter still is going on, may still appear and snow and may also be significantly lower temperatures. Not the first conclusions can already be drawn. So it is worth checking the average observation of the rape, and at the same time assess the state of the plants themselves. This is worth particular attention to the diameter of the root stalk, but also the surface of leaf after winter.
Now we have in the last minute for that, to analyze the demand for nutrients. If we don’t have fresh soil tests, it is worth y still to do (although there is already guaranteed, that the results will still be be before the first application of nitrogen in the Nmin case). Potassium, sulfur or calcium should be added beforehand. Preferably, their dose should be determined not only under potential plot, but also take into the soil. However taking into consideration the necessity of applying these macronutrients already before the plot, this it will be for that, to obtain results only what sampled samples before the necessity of fertilizers (it is worth for eventual dates to representatives of district stations chemical – agricultural).
First macro, then micro
Bor is that micro element, which in the throw that must be given necessarily. Such as with nitrogen – is this obligo. Providing the boron comes only after, we provide micronutrients. We however must be supplied with that microelement at the latest moment of performing the regulatory procedure. There are two schools approaching slightly differently to application of being. One finds as the fastest its post after revegetation, the other from the college preferring to deliver the color at the start of the extension of the main. Nevertheless do not forget about this component. Without boron the thrombus is not able to plant, a validity of this microelement for therapeseed may be comparable to the relevance of supplying rapeseed in note.
Cleansing before regulation
Observing long-term prognosis seems to be, that there will be no need for so quick application of retardants and fungicides as before year. This however is only a prognosis, and their probability for such long period does not exceed 50 percent. Not before the year first regulatory treatments in the threshold regions, where intensive vegetation is est (m. Lower Silesia, among others), had taken place already in the first week of March. In years with a “standard” temperature schedule such treatment was performed not earlier than in mid March, and usually after 20 March.
Before the one will be regulated on some plantations you may consider performing a so-called treatment. cleaning treatment. Few years old there were used for this purpose.among others prochloraz and thiophanate methyl. In this time these substances are already discontinued, and eventual “cleaning” of plantations can be performed with the help of
for example. copper systemic (cannon also in lower temperatures).
Always there must be one hierarchy of actions, however. What is the
most important at the moment of reestablishing vegetation, is to provide the most important nutrients. There is
almost the key importance of nitrogen and its delivery on time. Not these activities should be preceded
by supplementation of sulfur and potassium, eventually also of magnesium or calcium. Any other actions are taken
only after the plant is supplied with these nutrients.
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