
Leave at the peak of success: a popular cafe announced the closureandreductionofemployees

Уйти на пике успеха: популярное кафе объявило о закрытии и сокращении сотрудников

The only vegan cafe (all meals are only from plant ingredients) in Tartu Veg Machine will continue its activities in the Aparaaditehas complex in February. But, in difference to the Trikster Tihane, which recently closed its doors in the same building,The closure of the popular vegan restaurant is not related to the poor economic position, but to the owner’s desire to enjoy life. That’s why on

the last day of the big party. The owner of Café Veg Machine Maria Laineviir closes her business in Tartu, because she wants to enjoy life

and take new calls, not go bankrupt or burnout. The owner of Cafe Veg Machine Marja Laineviir is closing her business in Tartu, because she wants to enjoy life and take new calls, not go bankrupt or burnout. Photo: Margus Ansu

The only vegan cafe (all meals are only from plant ingredients) in Tartu Veg Machine will continue its activities in the Aparaaditehas complex in February. But, in difference to the Trikster Tihane, which recently closed its doors in the same building,The closure of the popular vegan restaurant is not related to the

poor economic position, but to the owner’s desire to enjoy life. That’s why the last day of the Big Party

Café Veg Machine appeared thanks to the happy coincidence of the 2016 year, when the Villiandi FestivalThe Folklore Music was looking for a public caterer, and Maria Linevire decided to apply. To her great surprise, she was selected, even though she didn’t even have the equipment needed to cook the meal at the event.

“Only when I heard that I was chosen to organize the catering, I knew that I would really have to do that. I had to open the email sent to the organizers of the event, and read what I had promised to them, ” recalls the owner of Veg Machine Maria Lainewire. – – Obviously, without the Festival in Williandi there would be no Veg Machine Café. It gaveapowerfulpushandconfidenceinthemselves,becausethesupplywouldneednofewhours,because the festivallastedfourdaysandgathereda hugenumberofpeople.”

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