The Polish leasing industry has reasons to be satisfied, because 2024 year confirmed the popularity of financing cars personal leasing. In the first three quarters the “passenger car” segment reached the value of 42.7 billion £ financing, that is in the year increased by 26 percent. – results from data of the Poland Leasing (ZPL). Lightweight vehicles have clearly passed under this relation of heavy transport, which has increased by 13.5 percent. year/year. In the good test the market is not only particular summaries, but also prognoses.
- The increase in financing in the cars personnel segment is causing the leasing market to enter the new year in good teen trends – experts of PKO Leasing convince.
- The results of the market in 2025 year will have a big impact on the EU directives, which may lead to increases in prices of autos.
- The industry expects to maintain the demand for premium cars and the increasing importance of Chinese manufacturers.
- In associated with unexpected changes in the second half of the “My Electric” program under the
question stands further tempo of electromobility development in Poland.
- The interest of customers in flexible and transparent
leasing solutions is causing that leasing companies are positioning m.among others, on development of self-service tools.
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Extension Program My Electric 2.0. Industry leasing appeals
Data industry for IV quarter 2024 year. we will know at the beginning of this year, but it is already known that the end of last year was intensive. In December alone PKO Leasing recorded high interest in the vehicle vehicle segment, which translated into an increase in financing in this segment by 23.7 percent. year/year.
– Vehicles account for nearly three quarter of the financed by leasing companies, a cars are the standard segment of our market. Customers recognize the benefits that bring to their leasing. I think of both tax arguments, and those related to availability to autos without having to pay high costs.initial or one-time expenditure. And also flexibility, meaning the ability to purchase or replace vehicles at the end of the contract – dependent on needs. I am confident, that in 2025 year, the arrangement of the popularity of the various forms of financing will remain the same. Leasing will continue to be the most choice of customers, especially companies – says Maciej Matelski, Director of Bureau of Competence for Market Cars Personnel at PKO Leasing.
Experts PKO Leasing point out some trends, which will have a large impact on financing of personal cars in 2025 year.
EU directive with huge impact on prices of cars
From July 2024 year producers are bound by directive GSR2, a in January 2025 year. joins to this CAFE. Both will have a large impact on the motorization market in Poland. GSR2 forces the use in new vehicles of a greater quantity of advanced safety systems. This means more expensive production of autos and the pretext to raise prices.
According to experts of PKO Leasing platform increases may reach 10-15%. From the county CAFE squeezes and so strict emission standards of CO2, which directs manufacturers in the promotional autos electric. Also for this reason prices of fuel autos may go up.
Second display in “My Electric”
Program “My Electric 2.0” is to start in 2025 year and start electromobility in Poland. In the leasing market there is agreement – the second facing program needs modification. The industry will want a higher budget (PLN1.6 billion ) and will assign it in whole to the most popular path leasing, but many other changes put under a question about effectiveness of future subsidies.
New rules include. constrain the group of beneficiaries to physical persons and one-person activities businesses, which excludes from grants until this time the most friendly electric companies (accounted one for 50-60 proc. demand in “My Electric”).
Beyond this from subsidies “fall out” cars delivery (cat. N1), a setting the maximum value of subsidized vehicle at level 225 tys. zl gross – instead net, as until this time – restricts customers choice.
– proposed at the end 2024 year. the shape of the next edition of the “My electricity” is not satisfactory and I hope, that despite the short time, the remaining to start the subsidies, the voice of leasing companies will be heard.To date through our hands have passed the most applications and the largest pool of grants. We have used the budget allocated to leasing autos electric. We have the best picture of the functioning program from the perspective of the needs and expectations of customers – adds Maciej Matelski of PKO Leasing.
Increase importance of sales of autos online
The expected increase in car prices may negatively affect the rotation of stocks at dealers. This opens the space for leasing companies to tighten with their sales collaboration. with help comes technology – in 2025 year. on the importance is gaining internet platforms, which in one place aggregate cars of different providers and provide access to financing.
– For some years we have observed the growing importance of marketplaces online. For an example on the platform we offer new and used cars – among others. in leasing and leasing long-term. On portal available are owned cars from stocks Group PKO Bank Poland, but also autos of our partners, who thanks to us expanding the territorial reach of their activity. In the four first years of operating the service we sold over 15 years of sale. autos with a total value of over 1.1 billion gold. Only in I half of 2024 years sales reached 3 thousand vehicles – Maciej Matelski notes.
– Stable segment premium, more autos from China
The category of luxury cars has huge importance for market. It is resistant to variations in demand, which in this area is simultaneously high and constant. This is confirmed by PKO Leasing data: the average value of financed by the company new autos is 181.5 tys. zl, a in the first three frequently selected in 2024 years, the brands are the luxury brands. The premium direction also reflects one of the key projects of the company – financial partnership with Inchcape JLR Poland. In 2025 year the importance will be gained in Poland also by Chinese brands and their models in all segments. The past months have followed the mark of domestic premieres of manufacturers from China, who offer richly equipped and competitively priced cars.
– Leasing in 2025 year. What in the center of customers’ attention?
The increasing expectations of customers for the purchasing process and the ubiquitous technology are causing leasing companies to develop self-service online solutions. Intuitive platforms,whichenableself-serviceonline.comparingoffers,calculatingratesleasingandsubmittingapplications,arereallyimportant.Customersvaluetheirtransparency-fromclearfinancingrulestotheabilitytoadaptofferstoindividualneeds.Thismodelofactionallowsnotonlytobuildtrust,butalsosignificantlyeasesandacceleratesthemakingapurchasing decision.Ineffectleasingbecomesmoreaccessibleanduser-friendly.
-Thenext12monthspromisetobeinteresting,thoughtherearesomeunknowns.We will see,howcustomerswillreacttoprobableincreasesinpricesofautos,changesin”MyElectric2.0″orthemightyentryofChinesecars.I think,thattheleasingmarketcanlookwithoptimisminthefuture.Thelastyearsshowed,thatevenindifficult,uncertainmomentsourindustryremainsquietandperformswell-summarizesMaciejMatelskiofPKOLeasing.