
LDDK: Relatively optimistic macroeconomic forecasts for Latvia for this year should bereduced

LDDK: Относительно оптимистичные макроэкономические прогнозы для Латвии на этот год следует снизить

Relatively optimistic macroeconomic forecasts for this year, which were based on the base when forecasting tax receipts and spending of the state budget, will have to reduce, Andris Biete, president of the Latvian Employers’ Confederation of Latvia Andris Biete, told Tuesday, 14 January, in an interview with “Morning Panorama” of Latvian TV .He noted that the results of the Latvian economy are in significantly influenced by that, what is happening outside the country, and now the economy
in many countries is stagnating, and consumption is decreasing. According to Beate, businesses operating in foreign markets are preparing for some difficult times. “We are prepared for difficult times, that’s why we focus attention
on this issue in the relationship with government, ” said he. The LDDK President also emphasized that precise prediction of economic development is not a favorable occasion, as the situation in the year changes very quickly. But the relatively optimistic macroeconomic forecasts for this year, taken as the basis for calculating tax receipts and budget spending, will be revised. “The rather optimistic forecasts based on which the planned tax
receipts and budget spending, will have to be reduced. “We won’t have everything so good, ” the president of LDDK added. He also indicated that the businessmen’s organizations are pushing for reductions in government spending, including a 5% reduction in public spending, which has already been proposed to the government last eastern
year. “That was last year last year. If we will delay thisprocess, we will have to reduce by 10% and more, ” Beate emphasized. He stated that entrepreneurs are not able to earn for the public budget as much as the planned to spend. “We, as entrepreneurs, who make money, so that it can be distributed in the public sector, we are not keeping up
with the pace at which the government wants to spend this money. We cannot earn as much as the public sector wants to spend. “It’s time to reduce government spending,” he said. Reminder,
that the issue of efficient forming the state budget and reducing government spending as at least 5% was raised by the Council LDDK at the National Council Trilateral Cooperation 30 September last year. According to the position of
LDDK,byMarch2025oftheStategovernmentshouldhaveaplantoreduceexpendituresbyat least5%ofthetotalstatebudget,anditsimplementationshouldbe startedimmediately.

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