
Law chain. Public hearing at Commission Emergency.

Ustawa łańcuchowa. Wysłuchanie publiczne w Komisji Nadzwyczajnej

Debate is going on the civic project “Stop chains, pseudo-breeding and homelessness of animals” prepared by organizations: OTOZ Animals, Viva! Mondo Cane and Action Democracy. The project was signed by 534 077 people. 

Disputed presentation of the project to the public

The support for the project law, was significant. However farmer organizations point out that the question of support has been manipulated, because the issue was presented mainly as the release of dogs from chains, picturing this with the photograph of the tortured dog on chain, on what naturally is common against in society, a self design has many records, going widely in keeping, rearing and breeding animals, a even touches the branch of fireworks by prohibiting their use.

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List of persons registered to participate in the public hearing in the Sejm
Regulation of the Sejm art. 70b

What is referred to? chain law?

In the opinion of the project it introduces regulations, which are intended to protect animals from pain and suffering. This includes the prohibition of keeping dogs on tether and using fires. Additionally the proposed changes are expected to reduce homelessness of domestic animals and effectively control their population.

It also introduces mandatory cat casting of dogs and cats other than cats, and also mandatory labeling of all dogs and cats. Animals are to be chipped, also to establish a registry of marked animals.

The project also plans to extend the catalog of acts recognized as treatment of animals including the dealer sale

of living fish (with the exception of aquaria). Increased punishments are to be imposed for treatment of animals and their killing. Proposals provide the establishment of a centralized Information System of Shelters and a centralized Registry of Breeders of Dogs and Cats.

The chain

law has caused huge doubts both among farmers, and in the same resort of agriculture. By the farming branch it has been named the Second Five for animals. All because of inaccurate records, which, according to farmers and farmer organizations, will create a huge field to use andoverinterpretation. 

Project after control NIK

As reports PAP – Citizen project “Stop chains, pseudo-breeding and homelessness of animals” has a relationship with the results of a nationwide audit for prevention of homelessness of 2024 years. conducted by the Delegation of the Supreme Council of Inspection in Green Mountain. NIK inspected at then 14 municipalities and as many self shelters. Director of the green delegation Andrzej Alexandrowicz presented 10 January br. during the Sejm Emergency Committee for protection of animals the results of the inspection.

“Most of these units activities for prevention of homelessness of domestic animals were conducted incorrectly, unreliably, and most importantly ineffectively” – he assessed.

NIK totally found 288 irregularities and formulated 214 conclusions inspections.

The Ministry of Agriculture is against the law on protection of animals in the proposed form

The Ministry of agriculture is against the most threats, which may exist after the implementation of the law in the current form, it said:

1. Prohibit the use of devices forcing animals to specify behavior, which in practice is equivalent also to the prohibition of devices mobilizing animals. May this may hinder keeping, handling and safety for human animals performing veterinary, zootechnical and care.

2. Prohibition of acting on animals by electrical impulse (except for activities related to transport and slaughter), which in practice eliminates the use of pasture electric, which now is not recognized as a cruel method in rearing or breeding animals.

3. Proposed regulations: impose a ban on the sale of live fish, may prevent the practice of horse sports or training and use of service animals, including assistance dogs.

4. In the proposed form law introduces mandatory custody of the whole population of dogs and cats (with the exception of animals kept in cells of breeding), which in the opinion of the Committee of Veterinary Sciences and Biology of Breeding of the Polish Academy of Sciences is contradictory to the current state of knowledge and guidelines of world organizations concerned with medicine of dogs and cats (m. including. World Small Animal Veterinary Association). Castration, as a serious surgical interference, causes significant harm to the animal and its psychological changes, which is a contradiction for action to protect the animal and maintain their well-being.

5. The Act imposes on municipalities and other units of territorial government additional financial and organizational burdens, a shelter for animals burdens new, difficult to fulfill obligations (new surfaces of cats, regulations on quality food, etc.). A particular concern is raised by the fact, that the law significantly increases the rights of organizations, whose statutory purpose istoprotectanimals.Afterjudicialorderofguiltorganizationsaretoreceivefinancialgratificationsfromtheoffenderfordisclosedoffenses(e.g.forabuseofananimal).Suchextendedrightsgeneratesuspicionsofpossibleabuseandlackofimpartialityofthoseorganizations.

Thelegislative pathofthe so-called.chainlaw




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