Henri Laupmaa, the founder of the toeta.me donation platform, has not paid out the funds raised to help Ukraine since June. Of the 225,000 euros, Laupmaa has still not fulfilled his obligation to pay 36,000 euros, ERR reports. Henri Laupmaa. Photo: Sander Ilvest / Postimees
Henri Laupmaa , the founder of the toeta.me donation platform , has not paid out the funds raised to help Ukraine since June. Of the 225,000 euros, Laupmaa has still not fulfilled his obligation to pay 36,000 euros, ERR reports .
Laupmaa last paid 45 thousand euros in June and then also promised to contact drone manufacturers.
"There has been no change or action on his part, despite his promises," drone fundraiser Roy Strider said.
Laupmaa did not respond to ERR's request for comment.
According to Postimees, published in October last year, the police suspect the toeta.me platform of misappropriating funds raised to help Ukraine. Laupmaa then denied misappropriating the money and claimed that there had been a misunderstanding.