
Latvia in the shadow of the neighbors. The biggest deals in the real estate marketintheBalticinthelastyear

Латвия в тени соседей. Самые крупные сделки на рынке недвижимости Балтии в прошлом году

For some time real estate developers, investors and industry experts were with some fear about the trading sector. The Covid-19 pandemic is already long behind us, electronic commerce has not replaced personal purchases, and the once “classic” shopping centers are increasingly beginning to look like leisure and entertainment “because people need somewhere to spend leisure at this time of the year, when the parks are not particularly walkable – gray and dark weather without snow encourages the seeking alternatives”, so explains the return of the sympathies of investors to the objects, designated for trading, the chairman of the management of the asset management EfTEN Capital Latvija Viktor Savin.As funds under management EfTEN, so and other investors in the last year invested more funds in objects exactly this sector of the market real estate. But in Latvia in compared with the neighboring countries the total investment activity was lower. In this year with
the decline of Euribor rate Euribor real estate participants predict potentially more activity in the sector not only residential, but and commercial real estate. The market experts predicted, that the last year will be one of the most smallest in a decade by the volume of investments in large deals with commercial real estate
in the countries of Balticia, and especially in Latvia. New investors in the region in the last years, but local regional players have become more active and now have more opportunities. As the deputy
directoroftheconsultingCBREBalticsMartinsGreenbergs,theamplitudeofthe50biggestdealswasfrom12millionto12millionfrom12million.Eurostoapproximately200millioneuros.Themostlargepurchasesofreal estatehaveoccurredinthecapitalsofneighboringcountries.

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