Corn for grain, cultivated on approximately 1.2 million ha, is among the most popular crops in Poland, subtracted by only winter wheat. It is therefore an important species for farmers, as and for breeders, who are trying to satisfy the most expectations of planters. Today and more often seeked are varieties combining in some desirable features, giving in practice large yields of grains with low humidity in different weather and soil conditions.
Corn for grain in variable dose seeding
Of corn for grain, a proper selection of its varieties, we spoke at the farm of the Cyrulik family, farming on about 500 ha in around Piła, in northern Wielkopolska. The species they have cultivated for about 15 years, obtaining increasingly better yields of grain. The most important improvements in this area were the implementation of blessing in 2018 year and from 2022 year of variable dose seeding seeds.
– Three years ago we decided to apply variable seeding rates and very well we are successful. Before all that we farm on mosaic soils, where variability is very large. Apply a dose from 50 thousand seeds per hectare on the weaker stands, to 80 thousand on the best soil. Two years ago we put on the variety LG 31,240, which we tried at then on 20 hectares. It proved very good, mostly because it stands soil variability, feels water and stably plants – says Kacper Cyrulik.
Limagrain is not just seeds
The Limagrain company is often associated with corn silage, but its offer also includes proven and high yielding varieties of grain corn. Frequently searched characteristics such as high planting potential, low humidity of grain at the time of harvest, tolerance to deficiencies of water or chills in spring. As says Tomasz Swistek from Limagrain Poland, all these characteristics are combined in one variety – LG 31.240.
– LG 31.240 is a variety, which has very good first growth, is not afraid of cold weather, is from the Hydraneo program, that can be sown on weaker standings, how they also are performing under periodic water shortage conditions and before all this is early.dent, with FAO 230 and total temperatures effective 1630°C. Limagrain is more than seeds. Agriculture is a platform, where on the basis of remote satellite satellite satellite assess status, hatch weaker and better places, a farmer receives map seeding atvariabledose,adaptedtostand- saysTomaszSwistekfromLimagrainPoland.