Customers of the largest chain network in Poland, counting over 3600 locations, already from a year can use the new application mobile Biedronka. This is the effect of the strategic partnership with the technology-consulting firm Future Mind, which started in 2022 year. His experts not only created the new version of the application, but also designed the website of Biedronka dedicated to shopping e-grocery – shopping.Biedronka.pl. The network has actually over 20 million participants of the loyalty program
My Biedronka in this over 10 million of their actively using the application.
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The partnership between Future Mind and Biedronka includes complete service products digital network discounts. Beginning with redesign the mobile application and its primarily rebuilding, by designing a completely new website online shopping Biedronka and after ongoing collaboration on continuous improvement of both platforms in line with users’ expectations.
More than the new design
The first version of the Biedronka app met with high interest from millions of Polish consumers. This channel has great potential and is high convenience to customers. Wanting to further develop this platform, Biedronka decided to ask Future Mind to design and implement the new, more advanced dress mobile application. The main objectives of the project were to create a solution for systems Android, and HarmonyOS, further integration with loyalty program “Moja Biedronka”, providing high performance with high traffic and increasing user engagement through intuitive and attractive design.
One of the unique features of the application is Shakeomat, which engages users by enabling to receive special offers after shaking the phone – over 80% of app users use this function. Additionally the Stories function allows interaction with content in style of popular social networking apps.
Biedronka builds position leaderindustry of retail trade in Poland. This year is for us especially important, because we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of presence on the Polish market. We are aware, that many customers expect from our offer, which will be adapted to the changing lifestyle . This is why for some years we have been consistently building our presence in e-commerce and mobile applications. With support of such partners as Future Mind we are confident, that the strategy of digitizing Biedronka, that we have conceived will be implemented in based on the best solutions available on the market -says Remigiusz Gora, Director of Development . development relations with customers and digitization in the network Biedronka.
Innovative platform e-grocery
The next step in the direction of integrating services the network with consumers expectations was to design the platform e-grocery Purchases.Biedronka.pl. The main goal was to create an intuitive and attractive user interface, both for the mobile version, and desktop, which would encourage frequent shopping online. Experts Future Mind focused on the visual coherence between the loyalty app and the e-grocery platform. Adapting both designs to the established visual language Biedronka, designers provided users with smooth transitions between channels. The design process also included usability tests with customers of Biedronka, which allowed to verify whether the created interface is intuitive and fully compatible with users’ needs.
Creating applications used by millions of People from always has been inscribed in the goals of Future Mind. Serving keydigitalproductsBiedronka,suchasamobileapporplatforme-grocery,isforusamajordifference.Designingandimplementingexperiences,whichwillfullysatisfycustomersofthenetwork,isasignificantchallenge,butat the same timeprovidesuswithlotsofsatisfaction.Thisisforusalsoanaturalcontinuationof several yearsofcooperationwiththeBiedronka-commentsTomaszWozniak,CEOatFutureMind.