Although the government has agreed to cut spending on labour, administrative costs and subsidies by 10% over three years, the overall percentage of cuts will be smaller, Social Democratic leader and Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets admits in the Poliitikute töölaud (Politicians' Desk) programme on the Äripäev portal. Lauri Läänemets. Photo: Eero Vabamägi August 29, 2024, 15:00
Although the government has agreed to cut spending on labour, administrative costs and subsidies by 10% over three years, the overall percentage of cuts will be smaller, Social Democratic leader and Interior Minister Lauri Läänemets acknowledged in the Poliitikute töölaud (Politicians' Desk) programme on the Äripäev portal .
The reason for this is the agreed exclusions: the cuts will not cover spending on national defense, teachers' salaries, or police and rescue workers' salaries.
The 10% reduction target only covers activities outside the areas mentioned.