Kubota, manufacturer of cult flip-flops, has launched a new service at address kubotacustom.com. The company will develop sales personalized products, with cult flip-flops on the front.
Kubota puts on personalized products
– if you think you, what we have worked the last months, then with hope we present to you our new personalization page! This is the place, where you will find a detailed offer, a example realization, and you will get a personalized price – provided by the company on social LinkedIn.
Kubota has already performed such projects for companies. Now wants to strengthen this following business.
The company will make personalized orders from 50 pairs of claps.
We are convinced, that flappers, socks and accessories Kubota are something more than an ordinary gadget advertising. It is a way to build a strong bond with customers, who value originality, style and functionality. Kubota products are universal – fit both women and men, which makes their ideal promotional product for any occasion. We offer a wide selection of colors and range of sizes. We believe, that the combination of an cult brand with personalization makes the perfect to build the image of any company – provides Kubota on the page platform.
What we know about Kubota
Kubota is a Polish brand acting in the retail and wholesale shoe segment, clothing and accessories, which annually sells some hundreds thousands of flip-flops. Sales of products are sold in its own channels, as and in trading points of partners. Cubot products have been chosen by the largest brands in Poland, such as Jeronimo Martins, Decathlon, Sportano, or R-gol.
Thanks to expressive marketing efforts, in last years Kubota has become the love brand, whose recognition in Poland is close to 70%.
Kubota S.A. generated in the III quarter of 2024year7,889,44.56PLNofrevenuenetfromsalesandequivalenttotheirprofitnetwas665.066.15PLN,whileincreasinglyfrombeginningyearthecompanyhasgainednetinthevalueof1,082,587.56PLN.