
Kryzysu nie ma? Sprzedaż ciągników w Holandii i Belgii na plusie

Kryzysu nie ma? Sprzedaż ciągników w Holandii i Belgii na plusie

Najbardziej ciekawe w zestawieniu sprzedaży nowych ciągników w obu krajach tzw. Beneluksu jest fakt, że nie możemy w tym wypadku mówić o minusach. W Holandii sprzedaż jest praktycznie na tym samym poziomie (różnica wynosi 21 ciągników), zaś Belgowie kupili sporą liczbę maszyn, nie tylko w porównaniu do 2023 r, ale także do rekordowego 2021 r. Wprawdzie liczby 2196 szt. sprzedanych w czasie pandemii nie osiągnięto, ale wynik jest zbliżony.

Zatem czy nie ma tam kryzysu? Problemy na pewno są, jak wszędzie, a duża liczba protestujących w zeszłym roku rolników w obu krajach, pokazuje że farmerzy z tego rejonu także są niezadowoleni. Niezadowoleni, ale przy takiej, a nie innej strukturze rolnej, są oni zmuszeni do ciągłych inwestycji, by utrzymać się na rynku.   

We Francji spadek rejestracji ciągników o ponad 10 proc.

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We Francji spadek rejestracji ciągników o ponad 10 proc.

Rok 2024 - rolnicy znowu kupili znacznie mniej nowych ciągników

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Rok 2024 – rolnicy znowu kupili znacznie mniej nowych ciągników

Rolnictwo w Holandii to ważna sprawa

Zacznijmy od Holandii, dla której rolnictwo jest bardzo ważną gałęzią działalności narodowej. Ten niewielki kraj jest mocno zurbanizowany, ale ma także zakorzenione bardzo silne tradycje rolnicze, które dla wielu Holendrów są nadal bardzo istotne.

Holenderskie rolnictwo charakteryzuje się wysokim zmechanizowaniem oraz zorientowaniem na eksport, gdyż dzięki bardzo dobrym, nowoczesnym i wydajnym technologiom wytwarza duże nadwyżki. Sporą specjalizacją Niderlandów jest hodowla zwierząt, ziemniaki, buraki cukrowe, cebula iflowers ornamental. The Netherlands exported in 2020 year. agricultural commodities with a value of 95.6 billion euro (including this farmed plants (9,5 million euro), meat (8.7 million euro), beans and eggs (8.3 million euro), vegetables (7,1 billion euro) and fruits (7.0 billion euro )) and imported other agricultural goods (mainly beans and fruits ) for 67,1 billion euro, which stands for a surplus of 27.4 billion euro. The most important market is obviously Germany. The areas used agriculturally in Holland are in 50 percent of pasture, in 40 percent of lawful land, a on ok. 10

proc. cultivated are flowers cut.

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Fendt and John Deere on peak

Organization commercial Fedecom, which announces data on the sale of individual machines of tractors in the Netherlands, does this with a year delay. This is why journalists of Magazine Trekker prepare a report based on data from offices of communication and share this with readers.

In the last year in Holland a total of 2683 new tractors were registered, which

compared to the

year 2023 gives a increased number by 21 units to be exact. 

Fendt is the most popular brand in The Netherlands, phot. K.Pawlowski Fendt is the most popular brand in The Netherlands, phot. K.Pawlowski The most popular brand on this list is Fendt, which has been sold in the Netherlands in number 540 pcs. The second place was New Holland with 509 each, a podium closes the brand John Deere, which registered 495 tractors. As shows the first three sold over 1.5 thousand machines and is decidedly leading in this race. Fendt has an estimated share in the market of 20.1 percent, New Holland 19 proc, while John Deere 18.4 proc. Total 58.4 proc. market.

On thesubsequent positions were included by brands: Case IH (289 pcs), Massey Ferguson (236 pcs), Deutz-Fahr (212 pcs), Valtra (126 pcs), Claas (121 pcs.), Steyr (71 pcs.). Smaller importance to the Dutch market have Kubota (25 pcs.), Yanmar (9 pcs.) McCormick (7 pcs.), Lindner (6 pcs.). Setup closes Czech

Zetor with number 4. Tractors sold . Other brands registered 33 tractors, among these are such companies as Solis, Landini, Lovol, Iseki, Antonio Carraro and


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Journalists Trekker point out that in the set are machines assigned by date registration in 2024 , which may be slightly unfair (sales may have occurred in the previous year). The data include only vehicles of the vehicle categories T1 and T2 (including this specialty tractors) and only vehicles of the maximum mass technical

volume. 4000 kg

(so there are no compact tractors, which may affect such manufacturers as Lovol, Solis or Kubota). From the set removed also

telescopic loaders and other similar vehicles.

In 2023 year. in Holland the leader was brand John Deere, phot. K.Pawlowski W 2023 year. in Holland the leader was brand John Deere, phot. K.Pawlowski W 2023 year. in the Netherlands in a similar ranking the first place was John Deere, which registered at then 624 tractors. In the second place was New Holland with 431 tractors sold, and in the third place was found Fendt with 422 tractors. From interesting facts we will mention, that Zetor has 25 proc. more sales, because in the previous year three registered 3.pcs. of the Czech brand. The set was only agricultural tractors with engine power above 50 hp.

Belgium is Flanders and Vallonia

As you know Belgium divides into Flanders and Vallonia – this same division can be applied in agriculture. In Flanders agriculture and gardening has a family character and many farms have been run for generations. Similarly as in Walonia and Holland, in Flanders there is more modernization and

expansion. In Flanders the largest segment of agriculture is pig breeding, poultry and dairy farming. An important segment

are also vegetables, fruits and cultivation of ornamental plants. In Walonia, the French-speaking part of Belgium, the

emphasis is on the classic crop and extensive breeding of cattle.

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Ursus will produce tractors again. There is an assurance to Investor

If there is about registration of tractors then in Belgium over the last three years there has been a decrease in sales of machines of power above 50 hp. In year 2023 . Belgian trade organization Fedagrim published information about the sale of 1841 agricultural tractors, and the leader at that was John Deere with number 415 pcs. In the second place was ranked at then New Holland with 361 each, and in the third position was Fendt with 249 units.

Right record sales in Belgium

If we don’t see crisis in

Holland, then how

would you name the situation in Belgium, in which farmers are strongly in protests? In the season 2024 there has

been some revolution, because the record sale of 2021 (2196 pcs) was close to repeating in 2024 year. Total 2158 tractors with engine power of more than 50 hp, as reported by the Belgian trade organization Fedagrim.

Company New Holland took 1. place in set sales in 2024 K.Pawlowski The New Holland company took the 1st place in the set sales in 2024 year.Photo K.Pawlowski The leader has received the New Holland company, which has gained over 21 proc. market. In the next place was the brand John Deere, which now has a share in the market of 20.6 percent. On the next place are the following: Fendt – 14.7 proc, Deutz-Fahr – 11.4 proc., Case IH with proc., Massey Ferguson – 6.6 proc., Valtra – 5.4 proc, Claas – 3.8 proc. and Steyr – 2.6 proc.

From interesting it is worth mentioning, that the average

power of tractors sold in Belgium is 190.1 hp, while most of the new tractors (32 proc.) places in the

power range from 180 to 250 KM, a 19 proc. counts in the segment of power from 50 to100hp.Whatimportantistheshareofenginepowerabove250hpincreasedfrom13proc.in2021yearto22.5proc.in2024year-thisis alreadythetrendgenerally.


We checkedCaseIHPumaonthefield.Whatdistinguishesthelatestversionofthetractor?.

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