
KRIR fights for farmers using Belarus

KRIR walczy o rolników użytkujących Belarusy

We remind you, that most tractors of the MTZ Belarus brand equipped with power units MMZ registered after January 1 2016 year. were legalized in a manner improper and breaking the law. Therefore m. in. Self-Governing Councils of Appeals in Kosalin and Bialystok, have issued a series of decisions to re-register previously registered vehicles. The aforementioned tractors at the time of registration had no certificate of homologization WE, which is

tantamount to not allowing their use in Poland.

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and big glow agriculture 4.0

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Farmers stay without tractors

Calls to our farmers, who have received calls to SKO in Bialystok on this issue. There are already also the first decisions in this case and some farmers and farmers have received letters of deregistration of their vehicles. Apparently the case is also interested in the prosecution and police, where the subjects of the investigation are not only vehicles of Belarusian manufacture, but also other vehicles not complying at the time of registration with EU regulations (presumably this is about Turkish and Pakistani brands).

The farmers, who are called to SKO were talked yesterday on the daily information program “Events” on Poland. In

the short feature the m. in the farmers from the locations Winda and Saduna. So the issue is

slowly breaking through also into the media nationwide.

Thousands of tractors MTZ

Belarus threatened to be scrapped. Local isba agricultural appeals

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Thousands of tractors MTZ Belarusthreatened with scrapping. Local chambers of agriculture appeal

We have previously informed about the letter sent by the Warmer Agricultural Chamber to the National Council of Agricultural Chambers. These activities have affected, because on January 23 the KRIR sent a letter to the Ministry of Infrastructure, in which the authors reflect the remark, that it is not the farmers that are guilty of the created situation and they may not now be punished by registration of machines.

– Farmers, who purchased these tractors, registered they legally, because the county states issued registration documents. Therefore, according to the authority of farmers, for this state cannot be accountable only to farmers, because officials confirmed the correctness of the purchase. According to the farmer government, the issue could affect thousands of farmers from different provinces. There are information coming to the owners of these tractors will be obligated to scrap their cases now being taken to the courts. Most of these are farmers with smaller farms, who wanted to buy tractors at the best prices and probably took loans to purchase them. For some, it is the only and strategic vehicle, performing the most important work in the farm, whose deprivation will result in total “paralysis of work” in the farm – can be read in the letter of KRIR to MI.

KRIR stands for farmers and also notices, that “farmers feel deceived and harmed, because in accordance with regulations on the market there are tractors, which in no should be sold. Why then, after years they have to be responsible for the errors of officials or sellers? After all they purchased illegal equipment, which had been registered in Poland, and their decision to purchase was economically justified, because they cannot afford necessary expenses.” It is difficult not to agree with the author of the letter.

KRIR demands that tractors remain in use

– The Management of the National Council of Isb Agricultural signaled this problem already from 2021 year. Currently is requesting to your minister for recognition of issued registration documents, because the law cannot act back and stop the registration of new tractors – finished the letter of KRIR to MI.

The completion was signed by Viktor Szmulewicz, and a copy was also received by Minister of Agriculture Cesław Siekierski.

We do not know whether the KRIR action will result in anyeffect, but act there is a need. Most arguments, except the law that does not be adequate arguments), are right and true.

What follows with Belarus?

Judgments and decisions of state authorities will still come down,

because the violation of law is in this case evident. We hope that someone will finally take on also the entities that

have been in this procedure, and also officials, who kept their eyes on the registration of these vehicles.

From reportsoffarmerswe knowalso,thattheystruckwiththis,thatsomediagnosticsofself-ownedsincetheyhavenotwantedtoconducttechnicalexaminationsoftractorsoftheMTZ brand,whichisanothercutinfarmers.

We arethenwaitingfortakingthisissuebytheMinistryofInfrastructureandMinistryofAgriculture,thebestasquickest.


We haveclose90newfocusASFwildlife.The diseasehasclusteredintworegions.

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