The announced limited tender is scheduled for July 23 at 10 at the KOWR local branch in Gorzów Wielkopolski. The published list shows that a developed agricultural property is for sale in Licheń, in the Strzelce Krajeńskie commune, in the Dresden-Strzelce poviat, with an area of 135.2962 ha, of which 131.3030 ha is agricultural land. The starting price of the property is also significant, PLN 9,225,000!
Earth like a dream
You can learn more from the detailed specifications published by KOWR and published announcements. Well, arable land is mainly soil of classes IIIa, IIIb, IVa and IVb. Class VI soil covers only 0.68 ha of the area, and forests cover an area of 2.87 ha. There is also a small orchard on class IV land, and 0.59 ha of ponds. Roads and wasteland cover only a little over a hectare in the entire area, and the land for buildings covers 3.2830 ha.
A farm with a long history
However, it is worth mentioning that this is not a typical farm or ordinary real estate. The whole thing is a former pre-war estate.
"The property is located in a monument, which is the historical rural layout of the village of Licheń, included in the provincial register of monuments. The property includes part of the historic palace, farm and park complex in Licheń, which was included in the provincial register of monuments, including a manor stable with mid-19th century, entered into the register of monuments under number KOK-I-204/76 of December 7, 1976, and a historic palace park from the end of the 18th century. – we read in the KOWR announcement.
Assets up for grabs
The property also includes: a barn, an administrative and office building, garages, grain, fertilizer and fuel warehouses, a pigsty, sheepfolds, a workshop, a carpentry shop, and sheds for agricultural machinery. Whether there will be a buyer for it and at what price the historic farm will go – we will find out soon.
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Record prices for agricultural land. How much per hectare in your region?
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Tasty morsels of land for lease at KOWR tenders in the Lubuskie Voivodeship