
Конец эпохи: что будет с сетью АЗС Авиас

Конец эпохи: что будет с сетью АЗС Авиас

The largest network of Igor Kolomoysky’s filling stations which before the war occupied a quarter of the market, could not survive the winter. Who and how can rescue this business is researched by the publication Liga. RAU offers familiarization with the main theses of this material.

After three months after the announcement of the acquisition of the smallly-known company Max energo resource 245 auto-fueling stations networks Avias and ANP from PrivatBank, previously owned by businessmen Igor Kolomoysky and Gennady Bogolyubov, their future fate remains unclear.

Antimonopoly Committee (AMCU) rejected already two contracts applications for concentration of assets. Simultaneously with this slowly decline and close other stations of the Avias network that were not transferred to the management of the government entities. Based on the position of the dealing

in the market, the network may be the end, experts consider.

Can Can Save the alive infrastructure of the former fuel giant?

From a quarter of the market to the robbed gas stations. Why the fuel empire of the Group Privat

Before the big war the most spread in Ukraine the network of retail fuel trading were gas stations units of brands, which in the market was accepted to be called the Group Privat. 1625 stations (about 25% of the market, most of which operated under the names Avias, ANP and Ukrnafta, sold fuel produced by Kremenchug oil Refinery (Refinery).

According to the AMCU conclusion made in 2021 in 2021 year, all fueling stations of the huge network of fueling stations in Kremenchug.sold fuel exclusive brand Ukrtatnafta (owner of NPZ) Keropur ENERGY at same prices. Besides this central element of the fuel giant, the refueling system of cashless payment with Avias fuel cards.

But after the nationalization in 2022 of Ukrtatnafta, the oil-producing Ukrnafta and the network of single filling stations (535 stations) the Privatov’s fuel empire began to disintegrate. In conditions of general decline in demand for fuel and without the refinery which previously provided the networks with the lowest prices in the market , Sales of Privat Filling stations in 2022 dropped by 40% of the donated level, experts estimated at the time.

The transition to sales of imported fuel was not easy for the network. Because of difficulties with finding foreign resources in the early 2023 year prices at the stations of the former discounter were one of the highest in the market. Subsequently, the cost of fuel started slowly dropping, experts said.

After losing the competitive advantage of low prices the critical problem was weak infrastructure at gas stations. Many many stations of the network don’t even have stores.

The operator’s problems are additionally exacerbated because of increasing tax costs. In November the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law under which the fuel retailer must pay 60 000 grn of advance tax on profit forEvery gas station. The regulation has negatively affected even the activity of the leaders of the market, who may decide to close or conserve low-performing points, experts said.

The Privatov’s Filling stations even before the enactment of the law began to experience interruptions with the realization of fuel. As noted in October the director of A-95 Consulting Group A-95 Sergey Kuyun, clients of Avias have repeatedly complained about the cancellation of sales of fuel. Possible causes are a lack of current funds. “On the market told that “Privatovans” have failed to pay for the contracted fuel. Also, they are constantly signaling that they have debt on wages for all levels of staff,” the expert wrote.

In such circumstances observers and participants of the market recorded the closure of a large number of fuel complexes of the group “Privat”. According to Kuyun’s estimate, as of October about 150 stations of the network were closed as unprofitable. The application displayed 529 active stations.

“The network is strongly optimized. As of March 2024 year there were about 600 stations, but the dynamics are very bad. “According to our information, today there are only about about 200 working fuel stations,” said the chief editor of the Nefteternok Alexandr Sirenko.

He believes that Avias and other brands of the network have come from the lack of funding to deliver oil products to all points of the branched network. The second reason is the increased tax burden, which caused the closure of unprofitable stations.

What can be done with fueling stations network

According to Leushkin, in theory of the stations of the Group Privat, which are still working, it is possible to reanimate about 100-150 points. Funds for this could be found through the step-by-step sale or lease of another part of the stations.

“You can take from all these bunch of these gas stations to take the raisins and create even if not a top player, but a quite strong middleman. But whether the management will do this without the beneficiary is the question,

Dmitry Leushkin said.

Besides the above stations, the Network had also earlier lost 245 fueling brands Avias and ANP, which through the courts were able to return to its ownership PrivatBank. The financial institution put the gas station for sale, and in October it was reported that the winner of the fewer-known fuel importer, the company Max energo resource.

From the technical pore to three months, but the participants are still not able to ensure the realization of the deal for a small size asset amount of 695.9 million Hrn. AMCU rejected two contract applications of PrivatBank and Max energo resource for authorization for the acquisition because of the absence of necessary information and documents.

“The reason for the rejection of the applications, as I understood from public information, is the committee did not see the winner of the bidder’s data about the origin of the funds. How they received these or who provided these to them, ” Sirenko commented Alexander Sirenko.

P His opinion, if the repeat applications will also be rejected, then 245 stations will return to PrivatBank”asjunk”.CanCanPrivatfindanotherpurchaserfortheasset,towhich-at leastmeasurespublicly–notshowedinterestkeyplayersofthemarketinthetimeofthefirstauction?

Inanycaseforrestorationofevenmore-lessprofitablefilling stationswillneedhundredsofmillionshryvnias.Igor Suprunenkoplannedtostartthefirststagetooperate55-60fuel stations,investingabout500millionHrn.

“Gas stationsneedanowner,whocouldbeoccupiedwiththisasset.Nowthere are manyexamples,whenproblematicnetworksaretransferredtomanagementthosewhohavethiswellgotten.Theconclusion is requested:Ifwewantthisassettowork,itshouldbesoldtoUkrnafta.The more so, that both PrivatBank and Ukrnafta are owned by the state,” says Oleksandr Sirenko.

Let us recall thatUkrnaftapreviouslytransferredtothemanagementof83fuelingstationsnetworkGlusco.InNovemberthecompanyacquired118fuelingstationsnetworkShell,whichlefttheUkrainianmarket.NowUkrnaftaoperates746fuelingstations.The state-owned companybecamethebiggestplayerinthemarket,replacingtheGroupPrivat.

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