Kompania Piwowarska is the leader of the Polish beer market, with a volume share of 33.5% (GUS data, 2022), employing approx. 2,700 people.
Kompania Piwowarska is a producer of beers such as Lech, Tyskie and Żubr or Książęce. Since 2017, it has been part of Asahi Europe & International, which belongs to the Japanese Asahi Group – a strong brand on the global market of beer, spirits and food.
The KP sales volume for the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 amounted to 12,277 thousand hectolitres (13,306 thousand hectolitres in 2023).
Kompania Piwowarska with higher net profit
From the company's financial report, we learn that KP's revenues for 2023 amounted to PLN 5,152,247,000 (PLN 4,850,756,000 in 2022) and net profit amounted to PLN 870,936,000 compared to PLN 734,444,000 for the previous period. The company spent PLN 734,444,000 on investments in the previous year.
Victory with the Tax Office
In the first quarter of 2024, for the periods January 2008 – May 2018, the Tax Office settled the Company's claim for overpaid excise tax in the amount of PLN 163,683,000 (principal amount) with interest, in accordance with the arguments presented in the judgment issued by the Provincial Administrative Court in Poznań on October 3, 2023.
In the first half of 2024, the tax authority also paid to the company part of the disputed amount of excise tax relating to the years 2001-2007 in the amount of PLN 31,236,000 (principal amount) together with interest.
Tyskie in liquidation
Let us recall that recently the owner of Kompania Piwowarska decided to brew and bottle the Tyskie brand at the Warsteiner brewery in Germany, belonging to the Haus Cramer group.
Asahi explained that in recent years Tyskie has established itself in Germany, especially in urban communities. In response to this development, the manufacturer decided to introduce a 0.33 l Tyskie Gronie bottle in a six-pack to the local market, which is to enable greater availability in retail and also allow for entry into new regions.