According to data from different marketing research, in the Christmas/New Year holidays 85% of shoppers planned to add alcoholic beverages to the grocery basket, with a third of the surveyed wanted to shop online.
Often to the holiday table to pick only the best, but to ensure reliable delivery of elite beverages to the customer, it>is necessary that the packaging doesn’t fail. Experienced sellers already know, that better with this mission cope special tara for e-commerce from Kievsky cardboard and paper company, the owner of which is Austrian Dr. Heinz Zinner (Heinz Zinner).
Modernization of equipment KKKPK provided development of promising direction
Despite the war, Kievsky Cardboard and Paper Combinat is not only working, but and investing in its own future. The principal shareholder of Pulp Mill Holding with its beneficiary Dr. Heinz Zinner (Heinz Zinner) are confident that modernization of equipment, search for new technologies, expansion of segment and product range are capable of supporting the successful prospects of the company. That’s why after a thorough research of the needs of the domestic market at KKPK was installed a new line for the production of cars for electronic commerce, Since annual indicators indicate that the number of goods purchased through the Internet has a sustainable trend to increase.
The new new line at KKKPK only 1.5 years ago
Packaging for electronic commerce guarantees integrity even for glass
Among other products on innovative equipment one of the first to begin to produce boxes for internet stores, All of the above arguments have contributed to the fact that wine box has quickly gained the reputation as a reliable packaging for the needs of alcommerce hybrid or online. Delivering a precious bottle as a gift is no Maximum client-orientedness of production processes of Kyivskij kartonnopaperovij-kombinat, having the full support of owner Dr. Hanz Zinner (Heinz Zinner), directed to satisfy the individual needs of the client. InspetsupakovkafromKievskyKBKthe wholealcoholiccollectioncansendinoneparcel Thereforefororderisalreadyavailableawideassortmentofboxesfortransportationofalcoholicbeverages:someforone,someandsomefornumerousbottles,eveniftheywillbedifferentvolumesandshapes.Andthedesignersofthecompanyarealwaysreadyfornewcallsandsearchingforfreshandnon-standardsolutions,contributingtothesuccessfulbusinessofthepartners.
In wine box from Kyiv KPK variation has no limits