This week the European Commission is to officially present a program for the next five years of action. According to reports Die Welt and Politico The European Commission intends to disengage with the hitherto policy and instead of focusing on climate the priority is to become a relief of the economy.
As informs the Commonwealth new economic doctrine of the EU, the so-called. compass economic, is to put deregulation above decarbonization, a action on climate is
receding to further plan in considering the Commission’s focus on competitiveness.
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Breakthrough in Union approach to climate?
EPL wants freezing tax on CO2 and lifting climate targets
First changes already in February
According to reports already in February is to release the first package of projects and directives so-called. simplification.
Declarations about the decline from the accelerated transformation in the US by Donald Trump has reaffirmed only Brussels about the necessity of correcting the current course -. informs Republic.
This stance seems to confirm the fact, that Europe has not reacted to the actions of Trump related to the breaking of the Paris Agreement. Macron and his German counterpart Olaf Scholz have said nothing. The office of Great Britain Keir Starmer refused to be drawn into the discussion, telling reporters, that the Premier will not give “current commentary” on the first days of the US president.
Additionally and more loud criticism of climate policy Commission following from the EU countries. As reports Die Welt German associations criticize, that the regulations significantly increase the costs of building new housing, and renovation of older houses puts they in a disadvantageous situation. In other countries and more you can also hear the voice of farmers and the transportation industry.
The Project assumes, that the goal of Compass is Europe, inwhose technologies of tomorrow and clean products will be invented, produced and introduced into the market while maintaining the course to carbon neutrality. Europe has set ambitious frameworks, to become a decarbonized economy by 2050 year. Must maintain the course in the direction of its goals, in this
goal for 2040 year. because this gives certainty and predictability to both companies, and investors. In addition, as the Draghi report
shows, decarbonization policy is a strong motor of growth, when they are well integrated with industrial, competitive, economic
and trade policies – is written in the project, which has leaked to the network, a which is quoted by The Republic.
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Mercosur, ecoschemicals, Green Lad. In 2025 year waits for us many challenges
EPL does not agree to Green Lad?
For some time the largest party in parliament, the European Party of the People, whose member is Ursula von der Leyen, is increasingly pressing for relaxation of Green Lad policy.
In last week, during a meeting of EPL leaders led by Germany, a document was produced, which calls Commission to delay by at least two years legislation on sustainable financial and corporate development, and also a new EU tax on emissions carbon oxide so-called. carbon duty (CBAM).
Representatives of parties demand that climate policy be technologically neutral without favoring some technologies over others, for example pumps of heat over boilers gasified or renewable sources of energy over nuclear energy, and not forbidding technologies, such as fuel engines – informs The Republic.
The voice of opposition is also flowing from Poland. Prime Minister Donald Tusk in the European Parliament has presented priorities of the Polish presidency in the EU Council. The head of the government criticized the resolution of the EU Green Lad. Stated, that the implementation of its assumptions contributes to lower competitiveness of the European economy.
The consequences
of a too rapid implementation of regulation ETS2 will be disruptive. The prices of energy may make no democratic
government in the European Union – he said.
Dissonance among EU politicians is increasingly clear. Representative of
theEuropean Commission,StefanDeKeersmaeckersaidduringaconversationwithjournalists,thatalthoughoneoftheimportantpillarsofthecompassisthelimitationofbureaucracy,thosecommitmentsmadeinthecontextoftheGreenLadremaininfullvalidity